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This is a group dedicated to cleaning the internet of this awfull scourge known as the Bronies. Everyone knows of them, and anyone who is not one will either become one or has an undieing hatred for them. However, we do not have anything against jews. We love jews and all other minorties. However, if you are a jewish brony, we will not spare any hatred what so ever. Bronies are not a race. Our main goal is to clean these horse fuckers from our forums, threads, and games. We dont need them and all they do is take up more space with useles pictures of ponies. They are a cancer. We are the chemo. Keep in mind that I and my officers keep an eye out for new members and bronies that end up in the group.We do not want to end up like every other Anti-brony group, infested with horsefuckers. Officers, dont freak out if you see a furry in the group. They can stay, as long as they dont start interfereing with our goal. They arnt as bad as the pony scourge. If you want to do your part, just ask

RSS News
Not The End Afterall

Not The End Afterall


I Have Given This Situation Some Thought And I Decided That Some People Out There, Would Be Intrested.