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Run giveaway RSS Kyball

While Kyball is truly original and fun to play, people are reluctant to try it out perhaps due to its initially simplistic-looking mechanics - bubble shooting et al. We would like to prove that this is not the case and that it is very easy for just about anyone to get really hooked on Kyball! Get the full game now!

Created by Kyballgame on

This giveaway ended 7 years ago, check the giveaway homepage for the current active giveaway or subscribe to the RSS to ensure you never miss another. Developers, your giveaway could be next!

124 copies of Kyball won on Itch.io

Giveaway is closed

244 people joined this giveaway

607i - - 54 comments


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emily5 - - 23 comments


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dibdob - - 1,358 comments

Thanks !

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
DarkVioletKnight - - 7 comments

Thank you!

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SashaDarko - - 44 comments

I can't activate the game via the link, it only redirects me to the game page. Was it a time-limited offer?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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Think of it as a Steam daily deal
Inspired by Steam, we know getting a homepage feature is rare and big deal. Participate in a giveaway and we guarantee you 24hours of homepage promotion on IndieDB.

Everyone wins
With adblock on the rise, instead of turning to bad ads, we'd prefer to promote indie games. This way we can offer developers great exposure for their work, show cool ads to our community and encourage more members to become subscribers along the way.

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