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Super Vadimka is a run and gun shooter video game developed by VadimBallzGame and released as freeware on October 21st, 2021. The game has been criticized that it is said to be more certified new characters more enemies for the constituent games to the masters of horror, action, fiction game. Super Vadimka will the game be such a continuation of the constituent blocks of level of bricks traps dangerous so the author said that yes there is lava letting the game complicates more violent levels making it interesting jumping posten.

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Super Vadimka By VadimBallzGame

Super Vadimka By VadimBallzGame

Singleplayer Map

Super Vadimka - the most difficult game in the world in 2021 made by the developer. VadimBallzGame also made more than 73 levels of bosses" a lot of traps...