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On the verge of death of a life unlived, Wyatt Heyll was given The Sorrowvirus by his parents, a substance that suspends the human soul in Purgatory after death; allowing them to heal due to Purgatory's mysterious properties. As he ebbs, Wyatt's only desire is to be free, forever.

Add job Report Traditional and/or Digital Artists Wanted (Royalty Payment) at Watchmaker

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Watchmaker on

Blacklight Studios is in need of Traditional and/or Digital Artists to help create the introduction and outros for the single player Prologue and Epilogue, as well as concept art, for Faceless, an independent Greenlit horror on the Unreal Engine 4, to be sold on Steam. (https://store.steampowered.com/app/243240/)

To apply for this role, you must have a good understanding of what is required of you, as well as experience and/or skills to do so. Past work should be provided in your application. If you are under an NDA for any recent and unreleased work, we are more than happy for you to create a test piece as part of your application, should you choose to apply, this can be of anything you choose, so long as it fits the general theme of Faceless.

If you are accepted onto the team, you will be required to share your Skype credentials so that you can be added to the development chat group. This chat group is text based, and not audio based. There is also a separate personal chat for off-topic speak of all kind. The development chat requires you to check in as regularly as possible, we recommend once every two days.

Royalty Payment: This project is being sold on Steam, and developers will receive pay post-launch based on the sales. More information can be requested when applying.

To Apply

To apply, please email us at: sklarlight[at]gmail[dot]com

(Replace [at] with the @ symbol. Replace [dot] with a period. Anti-spam measures.)