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On the verge of death of a life unlived, Wyatt Heyll was given The Sorrowvirus by his parents, a substance that suspends the human soul in Purgatory after death; allowing them to heal due to Purgatory's mysterious properties. As he ebbs, Wyatt's only desire is to be free, forever.

Add job Report Environment Artist at Watchmaker

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Watchmaker on

We at Faceless (www.indiedb.com/games/faceless) are currently looking for an Environment Artist to improve the levels for our first title! The role of an Environment Artist would include assessing the current levels, determining how they could be improved visually/aesthetically and creating content for the game to replace existing content where necessary.

You'll be joining a small and enthusiastic team with members from different countries around the world. 'Development' and 'Personal' (off-topic) conversations will take place in separate Skype chats. (text-only)

Faceless has already been Greenlit on Steam and will be sold for $9.99/£6.99, meaning we can offer a royalty payment post-launch.

Here are some more links to find out about Faceless.

Steam Store Page: Store.steampowered.com

Facebook Page: Facebook.com

IndieDB Page: Indiedb.com

Dolls Teaser: Youtube.com

Latest Teaser Trailer: Youtube.com

Thanks for any interest! If you are unsure, please feel free to email us asking any questions and we'll be happy to answer them for you!

To Apply

If you're interested in joining the team, please email me at sklarlight [at] gmail.com (replace [at] with @ - anti-spam measures!)