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Screen resolution (Games : SpaceBit : Forum : Help running spacebit : Screen resolution) Locked
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Oct 7 2012 Anchor

I have a problem. Haven't played the game in a while. It started fine in a window that looks about 800 x 600 on a 1440 x 900 screen. I went in options and left it as window mode and changed the 800 x 600 to 1280 x 720. Now the window is still the same size but I cannot see the bottom of the screen (where the accept button is), so I cannot change to full screen or try other resolutions. I found the config file in "content/files/games/setting.txt" but after trying to manually adjust settings the window just continues to show up at what looks like 800 x 600 with the bottom still cut off. I tried to blindly hit "accept" in the options menu, but my mouse loses focus on the window and looks like it is on the desktop before I can hit "accept."

Oct 10 2012 Anchor

hey mik3k there is a slight issue with resolution changes still ill focus on improving it before next version i recomend sticking with the 800 x 600 for the moment though

Oct 12 2012 Anchor

That's the problem - I cannot switch back to 800 x 600 because the bottom of the window is cut off and I've been trying to switch back to 800 x 600 and blindly click the "accept" button at the bottom right hand corner, but it doesn't seem to be there. Here is a screenshot of what I see - Imgur.com
Is there a way to reset the games default graphic settings? A config file location on Win XP?

Edited by: mik3k

Dec 8 2012 Anchor

Hey Mik3k the current version of Desura Spacebit should solve your issue the current version is set at 800 x 600 and cant be changed until i improve the resolution problems people were having sorry for the late response if you have any further issues please email me at spacebitz@hotmail.com for a very fast response :)

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