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Solar Unit is an epic top down shoot-em-up, which combines arcade gameplay with fast paced action. In Solar Unit, you take control of a small space fighter which is part of an elite task force known as the Solar Unit, dedicated to protecting Solar Station Alpha, which now supplies 45% of Earth's energy, from space pirates, looking to destroy the power station and take the solar energy that it has been collecting for nearly twelve years. However, while protecting Solar Station Alpha, you must not stray too far from the sun for too long; your own ship uses solar energy as a fuel source, so you must stay well charged, lest you freeze to death in deep space...

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We have some exciting new features for Solar Unit which we will be revealing in the following weeks, including a trailer which is currently in production!
We will also upload a base gameplay model, to get a feel for the game before it is released in 2011, so you can go ahead and delete that 'Blast Attack' gameplay model, which will be soon obsolete. How soon you ask? Well, the gameplay model will be up for download sometime this week!
Stay tuned for upcoming announcements and perhaps gameplay videos, if time permits.

The Neurocarbon Team

odysside - - 70 comments

Why hasn't this been taken down yet, Admin please remove this if you can.

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Yumchar100 - - 85 comments

Myself and Odysside are no longer associated with this game or the company

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jskode Creator
jskode - - 1 comments

Whatever, good luck with a program you know nothing about.

Have you actually ever finished a game?

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Yumchar100 - - 85 comments

Peh, I bet this game will die eventually

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QPsychosis - - 218 comments

The concept sounds interesting, but may I humbly recommend that you post more information ASAP.

May I also say that your ship design thus far is excellent! I'm not usually a fan of top-down 2D games, but I look forward to seeing more.

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Yumchar100 - - 85 comments

thanks, i didnt think anyone would like old 2D style games

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Yumchar100 - - 85 comments

This game is not made by only me. It is still yet to be posted under NeuroCarbon games once the game is authorized

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