- General Rule of Thumb: Remember the golden rule; please treat others as you would wish to be treated by others within this community. We are all members here, we all wish to be treated nicely, and we all want to have a good time here.
- Please Post with Purpose: Be advised, we do offer areas to blow off steam and generally horse around, but in areas that are meant to be serious, we wish for you to post with intent, rather than simply 'up' your post count. This helps weed out spam, keep discussions on topic and gets information out there quicker.
- Hate Speech: No matter how we put it, hate speech will not be tolerated on this forum.Usage of words such as racist or hateful terms are generally meant to be used as a derogatory insult towards others. The context/appropriateness/negativity implicit with usage of such words can and will be taken into consideration.
- Trolling/Flaming/Bashing: Bashing, excessive trolling and general negativity is something this forum expressly wishes to leave out within this community, while we can understand general horsing around between members, we encourage the community to look out for one another. We enjoy and encourage joking, but we ask you keep it at a reasonable level. Please be mindful of what you say and how you treat others.
- General Disagreements: Debates are going to happen, people will disagree. We ask you keep it civil and remember that everyone has an opinion, everyone has their personal experiences and not all of us are the same. We encourage in-depth analysis, point/counter-point debates, but we stress that you refrain from entering the land of hate speech and flaming/trolling. Passing that line is when staff steps in. What we're saying is; be rational.
- Announcements / Stickies: Each forum and sub-forum present within the site will have their own announcements and stickies. Read them. Abide by them. Learn from them.
- Double/Multiple Posts: Please be mindful of double posting. If you have more thoughts on your initial post, please hit the 'edit' button, rather than publishing multiple posts in the same topic in quick succession. You can post if someone else posts after you.