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Outpost is a 3D Sidescrolling Multiplayer Shooter!! Moving all action onto a 2D plane makes Outpost have a very unique style of gameplay. With an array of Weapons and attachements, you can play with anyone around the world in different gamemodes and maps. Outpost allows you to host your own server with only minimal hit on performance, so you can play what you want with as many people as you want! The Team: We are currently just a team of 2: Cameron Lonsdale Benjamin Schaaf

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A couple of thoughts (Games : Outpost : Forum : Suggestion : A couple of thoughts) Locked
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Apr 14 2013 Anchor

Me and my friends Jooiez played it last night and we had fun messing around.
The few things we did notice was that we were playing the game for giggles. I think the game would be better if you had some goofy weapons. We got to the point where we were jumping on heads and we couldn't get the other person until we killed ourselves by throwing grenades :P It was enjoyable.

We went in with a mind set of the game won't be that great so our expectations were low. We loved the game but it lacked maps and other aspect.

Not sure of your plans in the future but here are a few ideas.

1)Work on the maps
There is only one map at the moment and it is nice and fun. It would be cool to see different maps that specialized in different gun types. One map would be a lot of piles of stuff and close combat. Then a map that is open and not to many tiers but still some cover. That would be medium/long range. Other areas would have changed the combat style. The map has a open top but me and Jooiez had to actually agree to go up there. The reason was it seemed if you were in at the bottom you had the biggest advantage. This is so because you can see the floor above you.

Mines stay even after you die. I think the two you put down should be detonated or disappear upon death. My friend noticed they stayed and killed himself since I wouldn't get a kill for it. Then he would just keep laying mines. It is a cheap trick but effective and should be prevented.

3)Make it crazy
This might just be me and his opinion. This game isn't to be played for realism. Add some crazy weapons, secondaries, or different grenade types to mess aroudn with.

Apr 17 2013 Anchor

Hey SirStriped, im glad you liked Outpost.

1) we are definitely going to work on maps, at the moment being only a 2 man team, we have other features that we want to work on first, but we have maps already designed, ones that do specialize in different gun types, all we need to do is make them, which is the hard part :(

2) I completely agree, we have had this same comment from other people and we have decided to make them disappear. This will be included in the next update.

3) This is one of the most debated topics each day, where are we going to go with Outpost, are we going to go more realistic or abit crazy. I think that the game should be abit crazy in some aspects but my partner however disagrees in some aspects, we will have to work together and see if we can find a middle ground that we are happy with. Oh and in relation to different grenade types, come back in a few days, im sure you and your friends are going to have alot of fun with what we have added :)

Thank you so much for voicing your opinion, thanks for playing
make sure to tell all your friends

be sure to tell us any other problems or suggestions you have.

Apr 17 2013 This post has been deleted.
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