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Nihilium is a multiplayer action RPG with both PvE and PvP gameplay. The player takes control of one of the adventurers that have been forced to leave their homeland and explore the ancient lands of a long forgotten world - Nihilium... Group up with friends and fight ancient monstrosities, complete challenging quests, explore new lands or fight with each others to death!

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Nihilium - Forgotten World BETA!

Nihilium - Forgotten World BETA!


The Nihlium's BETA is officially out! You can proceed to the downloads section to get the latest version of both the game's client and server.

Nihilium's official website is up!

Nihilium's official website is up!


Open beta coming closer wich every day, meanwhile I have the news that official game's website is almost finished and already up and running.

Nihilium ported to GM:Studio - Open Beta this summer!

Nihilium ported to GM:Studio - Open Beta this summer!

News 1 comment

I have some good news coming about the game. First of all, the game has been ported from Game Maker 8.1 to GM:Studio wich yields a huge improvement in...

Nihilium Soundtrack - Main Theme Track

Nihilium Soundtrack - Main Theme Track


Presenting the first track for the game's soundtrack.

Night&Day system - first look!

Night&Day system - first look!


I've recently finished a first approach on the lighting system and implemented a day&night cycle in the game.