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MyWorld is a 2D mmorpg that breaks the current stereotypical genre by furthering the horizons. MyWorld aims to have a depthful world, creating a compelling history. Languages, migration, culture, history, Alchemy, farming, evolution, a large range of weapons and armour related to the development of their perticular species, Myworld is a World in itself - featuring around 4000 "known" species of fauna and flora and a fully-detailed planet, from tectonic plates to weather patterns to erosion and deforestation. MyWorld will be throwing out the classic "you levelled up!" and "classes" system, and introducing a more intricate system. You will no longer have to make the choice between sword, stealth and magic. Instead, practice your swordsmanship whilst throwing a fireball or two and become what you desire your character to be. MyWorld will allow you to customize your character, such as their "portrait".

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MyWorld Interview I

MyWorld Interview I

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An interview hosted by a couple of old friends, Redster and Chris, and myself. Covers mostly basics, magic, village construction/issues, release information...

Bay12 Feedback - Part two!

Bay12 Feedback - Part two!


I return to the Bay12 thread on MyWorld, whereas I responded a second large peice.

Bay12 Feedback

Bay12 Feedback


So, last week, I asked a simple question to a forum called Bay12; what do they want their perfect mmorpg to be? The source thread can be found in a link...