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Gladiators of the Arena is an upcoming rpg hack 'n' slash game developed by Creative Oven Studios using Unreal Development Kit. You play as a slave gladiator fighting for survival in Arenas across the territory of Roman Empire to win your freedom. The game focuses on Slave mode and Citzien mode: In slave mode you fight to survive and get your freedom. After that Citzien mode becomes open and you become professional gladiator. It allows you to buy a house in a city or go hunting to the forest. In custom fight you fight in chosen game mode such as : Team deathmatch, Survival or Free for all and others.

RSS Gladiators of the arena 0.9 trial trailer check it out!

This is a post about the features that the game will include.

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So the game will have this new features:

- Kicking the enemy

- Dodging flying items

- Throwing items any kind

- knocking down spectators

And a lot more. Formations!

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