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Fist Slash: Of Ultimate Fury is a 2D platform action indie game that's full of Nestalgia (it's a pun). Modelling off classic NES and 8-Bit games of the era, it'll feature all the classic staples you'll be used too, from the sound, flicker, difficultly and even 8-bit cut-scenes. So no need to dust off that ol' grey box of joy, blow this bad boy and stick it in your steam library! Featuring: -SIX STAGES (And one hidden one for those people insane enough to challenge the game on it's highest difficulty!) -THREE DIFFICULTY MODES (Easy, Normal and Insane) -CLASSIC BOSSES (Remember how end level bosses used to be?) -RETRO SOUNDTRACK (8-bit goodness) -8-BIT CUTSCENES (Full of lovely Engrish) -CONTROLLER SUPPORT (new and improved too!) -SAVING AND MEDALS (in game saving, passwords and in game medals that you can unlock.) -TRADING CARDS (if Greenlit, expect Trading Cards!)


