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This is a direct port from "Fish fillets remake" which I also developed. It is written in the same language and uses the same game logic, but it differs in that it uses a different engine (Lovr) and that most of the 2d assets are substituted by 3d models if possible. The game is in a very early stage and not fully playable, but you can "swim" through the levels and it currently renders walls and objects properly. The reason to expose the game this early is to see if I can get some help and collaborations since the time I can spend in this project is limited but I still want to make it happen.

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Fish fillets Vr Windows binary

Fish fillets Vr Windows binary


Windows binary for the fish fillets VR project. This is a demo in a very early stage and not fully playable.

Fish Fillets VR Linux

Fish Fillets VR Linux


Linux demo of Fish fillets VR project. This demo is still in a very early stage and not playable.