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The near future' A future that has been swamped by war' Two titanic armies, a terror collective and a decadent coalition, fight for control of the world's oil supply' In a world dependant on fuel, where black gold has become worth more than yellow, it is certainly worth more than men's lives' On battlegrounds across the world, commanders send men to death or glory' You are now one of these commanders, and it is upon your decisions that men's lives now depend' Gain a victory and you will be hailed a great hero, suffer defeat and your grave will be unmarked and forgotten' History is written by the victors'

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Just a quick update to say that I've added a couple of new screenshots of two new maps, 'Gelderland' and 'Desert Twilight'. These were made by me rather than by a decent mapper, so they're not fabulous. Check 'em out anyway!

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Just a quick update to say that I've added a couple of new screenshots of two new maps, 'Gelderland' and 'Desert Twilight'. These were made by me rather than by a decent mapper, so they're not fabulous. Check 'em out anyway!

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