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Dead By Association is a Open world multiplayer game that can hold about 50 players per server. People can work in small groups or alone to make it through the apocalyptic spanish peninsula and try to get through the quarantine zone.

Add job Report Dead By Association artists at D.B.A Studios

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Facebook.com on

Im the lead of the indie team currently working on Dead By Association, its a open world game with focus on horror, survival and PVE but with aspects of PVP.
Atm we are about 10 active developers and another 10 working now and then with sound, voice acting, some GUI artwork and stuff.

So mainly we need 3d artists preferebly that either have alot of experiance to do the advanced models or/and work with our characters.
We also need a characters animator and if you can both model and animate its even better.

We will probably use animation from either mixamo or the unreal pro motioncap set so its mostly about rigging, adjusting and adding some extra animation to already existing rig, if you can put it together with blends and all in unreal 4 thats also great.

This is a profit share project so there is not direct payment but we will share everything when/if the game is sold depending on the quality and quantity of everyones individual work.

This add is for animators and 3d artists but any position can be interesting if you have talent so feel free to ask.

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