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Dead By Association is a Open world multiplayer game that can hold about 50 players per server. People can work in small groups or alone to make it through the apocalyptic spanish peninsula and try to get through the quarantine zone.

Add job Report Artist needed for our Project DBA at D.B.A Studios

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Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by D.B.A Studios on

We are a team of about 15 people now on DBA and about eight programmers.
So now we need animators that can manage to do high quality animations for characters that will do crafting, fighting, barricades and all sorts of stuff.
3D/2DArtists is needed mainly for 2D promotional arts,loading screens and for character creation but i can also take environment artists and so on.

The game is a zombie open world horror survivor game with more advanced looting and breaking in aspects like a combination between dayZ, Last of us and Payday.
The game plays out in Spain on a quarantined island called Le Da Selva, there is no quests but the players themself can choose their objectives. For example you can loot and scavange to try to get the propper gear to get out of the quarantine, fix a car or a boat. or just accept the world inside quarantine and be a bandit or a merchant.

This is the games indieDB site: Indiedb.com

If you are interested send me a mail or write me on indieDB.

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