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3079 is a futuristic, open-world action first-person role playing game. You arrive on a planet experiencing constant war. It is your duty to find out why the warring factions cannot find peace on their own & hopefully restore it yourself. All areas, buildings, items, quests and characters are randomly generated. You will find unique lands & challenges. I hope you enjoy it! "Just want to say again that this is a great game! For those of you who feel like its a minecraft copy just beacuse of the cube textures used you really need to rethink what a game is about! The game play of 3079 is nothing like minecraft it is pretty unique as well as how the weapons all have diffrent stats and colors kind of reminds me of Borderlands. However it is still an original idea for a game and i still play it from time to time. You should at least try the demo and if you like it please buy it and support fruit! :D Still give it a 9/10 ! Best Regards, Adam" -- SeaNanners Sequel @ 3089game.wordpress.com

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Suggestions. (Games : 3079 : Forum : Suggestions : Suggestions. ) Locked
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Jun 6 2012 Anchor

These are a few ideas I've had for the game that I thought were good enough to share. Please note that more ideas and suggestions will be added periodically, and as I have more ideas. :P


An interesting idea would be to add different types of vehicles, such as land vehicles that could help you move faster on land. They would have 2-3 seats, at least one being driver, and at least one gunner. I've had multiple ideas about how you could go about creating these. One idea would be to be able to collect parts that merchants sell, and create a vehicle. You could also find them randomly in the Humoid bases. If you created one, though, your engineering skill would increase significantly.

It would be awesome if you could add vehicle parts, which would enhance the performance of that vehicle. For instance, better weapons upgrade gives your vehicle more firepower. Installing these components would increase your engineering skill as well, of course. Also, a way to land the vehicle, considering there is none currently (Unless I'm mistaken. If so, sorry!). Although, you can't land just anywhere. You'd have to land on a landing pad, or runway type thing. These would spawn in Humoid bases as well, right under the vehicles.


Basically, you could choose which side you want to be on in the war. This could allow for another level of player interaction. Players could choose which side best fits them. Maybe one side has different technology, or better aircraft.

Robot Vendors/Machines.

Pretty straightforward. If you're out of health packs in the heat of battle, robot vendors which are located all over, can sell you some. Also, when in an ally base, you can buy Health packs from vending machines. If you try to do so in an enemy base, maybe a trap will damage you (?).

Different Races of Aliens.

This is a pretty straightforward idea as well. Different races of aliens that aren't directly involved in the war, but can help you in different ways. One race/group might supply equipment. another might be mercenaries that will help you win. The possibilities are endless.

That's all I have for now. D: If I think of anything else, I assure you, it will be added to the list.

Edited by: Derpface42

Jun 6 2012 Anchor

You can 'land' a plane by pressing and holding the X key, if I'm not mistaken. You can already choose sides between the Humoids and Neanders by just killing enough of the opposite, but I believe you were getting at adding some technological variation between them, which I could see being really cool. In terms of robot vendors, there are healing stations spread out through bases that will recharge and heal you for free with the press of a key, though this may not be quite what you're looking for. I agree that different races could be really cool, they'd need to tie strongly into the game while still having less of a presence than the two main races, perhaps we could finally get to HQ and dive deeper into the story?

Jun 6 2012 Anchor

Interesting suggestions, and good response Craigape.

3079 is in "maintenance" mode, so no big features will be added to it for now while I am working on Gentrieve 2. I didn't end up doing land vehicles because of the blocky terrain and other transportation options, like the grappling hook & antigrav pack.

You can also build your own health & energy restoration stations with a construction block.

Other characters & races were considered, but there was already so much going on with the Humoids, Neanders, Demons & Capital ships; I was afraid things would get too overwhelming adding more to the mix.

Jun 7 2012 Anchor

Thanks for the response, Phr00t. You too, Craigape. Vehicle upgrades might work, but if there's not anymore than one vehicle, it might just be a waste of time to add.
Again, thanks Phr00t.

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