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This is the first playable Alpha. For now only WW2 is playable. Totaler Krieg is an ambitious project with the goal of expanding gameplay from 1910 to 2030, without neglecting WW2. Eventually we plan on having 8 fully working scenarios: 1910, 1918, 1936, 1945, 1962, 1979, 2000 and 2017.

Totaler Krieg 2030 v0.1
arncr - - 3 comments

Only tried it for a while with Argentina and was surprised by the amount of detail that was put into the national focuses and the fact that the country has a good possibility of development with the search of natural resources,i could not see the new war and diplomacy mechanics that put the mod but by the description looks good

Bugs: The game ctd when Colombia is selected - The national character "Huge National Unity" grant 50% factory efficiency cap instead of 5%

idk if is a copilation of parts from others mods or a work from 0 but good work.

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