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Here is the new version. Some minor bugs are fixed. I hope you will enjoy. Remember to report bugs. Thanks, Tavener

Scandinavia Mod v1.1
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Sahaal31 - - 5 comments

I get stuck processing the INI file...I think it loaded once but apparently my Walk-sideways file is messed up or something...any help would be appreciated.

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Blackwolf246 - - 1 comments

ive got the same prob as sahaal31 and ive tried everything reinstall redownload mod etc. but nothing works :( can you help me plz

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torylva - - 2 comments

well, there can one of these problem
1: you dont got the whole file
2: you have a later/ earlier version of the game, if so, you cant use it.

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Blackend - - 8 comments

hmmm...this is a mod for mount and blade and not mount and blade warband or any of the other ones.

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tavener Author
tavener - - 36 comments

Give me you email adress and I'll send u a new one, otherwise you can re-install M&B. Might be some other mod that messed it up.

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morbidhans - - 1 comments

Samma händer för mig.Processnig the INI file och där stannar den =(

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tavener Author
tavener - - 36 comments


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neocryptorian - - 1 comments

The sideways file that you mention as missing is inluded in patch 1.011.
So everyone that's having this problem should reinstall that patch, or extract that patch to a folder with example 7zip at: 7-zip.org or equal progam.
And grab the sideways file and put it into CommonRes and everything should work fine, worked like a charm for me with other mods.

Happy Gaming :)

More instructions if contacted.
Svenska hänvisningar vid kontakt.

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tavener Author
tavener - - 36 comments

Thanks neocryptorian and good job! :D

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felix_andersen - - 1 comments

hi, my game closes down when I try to start it and it says something about at walk-side ways that you where talking about. I have the 1.0 version could that be the problem. (jag pratar svenska så säg det gärna i svenska om ni kan) :)

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rubberducksucker - - 3 comments

i think the guns must be more precise and reload faster makes it more fun to play. maybe les realistic bud fun

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Killman2131 - - 4 comments

Is there some reason that every time i run this mod my game crashes after i play for a little bit? help would be great on this topic...i do love this mod and want to play more then 10 mins haha...

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tavener Author
tavener - - 36 comments

To Killman: Did you notice the news in the summary? If you have then I don't really have any explonaion why it occures... Anyway, check out the news for help.

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gangsta6613 - - 2 comments

Whenever i go into battle half way through it stops working but only on battles

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ddyao - - 2 comments

Mitt spel kraschar nästan jämt i strider, jag googlade, hittade hit, läste din lösning, så sänkte Battle Size grejen till 25, (fast jag gick sakta neråt, man vill ju ha så många män på krigsfältet som möjligt! :D)
Att sänka det till 25 verkade funka... ett tag, nu kraschade det precis igen. :(
Vet inte vad det kan vara för fel, jeg spelede som eine däääinsk spilere og möddte nåre danske rebelleeer, and bam, mitt spel kraschade när jag chargade med mitt svärd. :( Jävla danskar.

Annars är det ju en skitcool mod. :D Finns inget goare än att rada upp sina musketörer och låta fienden vandra in i värsta infernot av kulor. :D

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tavener Author
tavener - - 36 comments

Kul att du gillar det :D
Tyvär så finns det inget annat sätt än det som finn i news i summary.

Men det finns ju altid folk som kommer med lösningar så man får väl vänta och se. Jag är inte en problemlösare om man säger så :p

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Henrymuie - - 1 comments

everytime i go into battle the game automatcly closes. how come?

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yangaskhan - - 1 comments

This mod is crap and poorly managed. All these problems and none of them fixed. That stupid solution about lowering the units on the field at one time during a battle is a crock. I've fired the gun in a 1v1 duel and crashed numerous times. Developer is a joke and the fact that there are no updates is pathetic. 1/10. and i give you that because i like the theme...

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adris126 - - 2 comments

fow what v is this mod???

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llamas23 - - 10 comments

this is crap every time i play it says mount and blade has stoped working windows is finding a problem..............somone pleas help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Felle1996 - - 4 comments

Seriously I have packed it up put it in right documents but i still cant play FFS!!

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Felle1996 - - 4 comments

Jag hatar winrar ftw!!! behöver hjälp!!!

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Blackend - - 8 comments

it wooooooorks! :D no problem with the smoke OR the sideways thing. THANK YOU!!!!! Now bow down for Norway! MWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH! oh and remember to activate cheats or you WILL get owned by the rebelling mobs -_-

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Permaflox - - 2 comments

Press the check-back button, and it should reload with a working download link - If that doesn't work, make a account and try again.

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Guvenoren - - 80 comments

For those with the smoke issues, maybe this will help Forums.taleworlds.com

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Guvenoren - - 80 comments

Hello. Sure has been a long time hasn't it.
I would like to say that to me, this was one of my most favorite mods. I wish I could fix this mod myself but my modding experience is limited to only a few games.

Is anyone up for the task? Here's a link to a Taleworks forum post I made:


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Guvenoren - - 80 comments

I've found a solution to ressurect the mod so far. However, I have not played enought to find out if it actually is 100% working.


Here's a link to be able to ressurect it for now.

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Guvenoren - - 80 comments

So, I've finally done it. The mod works!



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