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Latest full version of the mod, compatible with Their Finest Hour 4.02. The forum hosted on ModDB has a list of known bugs and issues. When you start the mod up, there's an "introduction" decision that also provides more info. If you use Custom Game Mode, then be aware that your practicals and theories will reset to 0 and be recalculated based on your tech choices; that will cause research to be VERY slow until you get your theory techs back up. There's nothing we can do about this, so think of it as the price for using CGM. The changelog from the previous version is in the readme. Please note that this version is a beta version. It very likely has some small bugs, so if you download it please comment here or in the forum (ModDB or Paradox) any bugs you find so we can fix them. Install instructions below:

HPP TFH version 3.3.3 (08 April, 2014)
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 163)
Chwal - - 4 comments

Hi. I can't find the graphic.rar described in the readme file step four. The game works well with the HPP file unrared in the tfh/mod folder but lot of pics are missing (characters, technologies, units...). Where is that rare file? thx

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thebromgrev Author
thebromgrev - - 137 comments

The graphics packs are in the addons tab. If you click the Read More+ button at the end of the description you'll see that info right at the top :)

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Chwal - - 4 comments

Thanks it works perfectly. But in my game with Hungary, after one year, all of AI countries still don't build anything... Is it a bug or did I make something wrong with installation?

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thebromgrev Author
thebromgrev - - 137 comments

We caught that too and the fix will be in the version I release next weekend. The fix is pretty easy, so if you want to fix it yourself, edit the file ../hoi3/tfh/mod/hpp/script/ai_production_minister.lua using any text editor, find the text "liOrigPrio" and when you find it, delete the first two letters so you end up with OrigPrio. That will fix the sleepy production AI problem.

As an FYI, I also ran into an issue yesterday where the game crashes after Germany invades Denmark. This will be fixed for next week's release, but you guys may run into the crash too.

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Chwal - - 4 comments

Fix done and works well. I noticed another problem with the AI that never launch national decision or event. I'm in late 1938 in my game with Hungary, and there's neither spanish civil war, war between Japan-china nor anschluss in Austria... I tried to launch the game with Japan. National decisions are available but AI never launched them.
By the way this is probably one of the most accurate MOD I've ever played and I'm really looking forward to the next release.

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

My game crashes at about Jan. 9 or 10 of the simulation, regardless of what I do. If I simply start a game and do nothing, it will still CTD without a "hoi3_tfh.exe has encountered an error..." popup.

The system.log file says this after the game crashes about 4-5 times; I have no idea as to the source of the error:
LUA Error: No such operator defined - no script source to reload

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thebromgrev Author
thebromgrev - - 137 comments

We're getting that error too, but not the crash. I wouldn't be surprised if your crash is related to the error, because when the game comes across an error like that it tries to reload the script, which hogs memory. It really slows down on my machine, so I can see that if someone has a computer with worse specs that you can end up with a CTD due to memory usage. We're also seeing the AI not produce anything due to a slider AI bug and the setup event isn't being fired. Those issues have been fixed and will go into the next version, which will come out probably next weekend. The mod is currently an alpha release for TFH, so we did expect bugs, but I didn't expect to see CTDs right away that I don't get myself.

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nerdcorejm - - 12 comments

I get it too.. and my machine is pretty good the only weakness would be the 1gb video card I have but other than that, its all good! I would really love to play an entire war without crashes or at least get through a month (game time) without crashing. I have downloaded the Podcats thingy.. I've made sure everything is where its meant to be as well. I run this on Win8 (I hope that isn't the problem!) and I've restarted many many times to get the checksum correct (and it doesnt) and it just keeps saying TPYU. Is it the mod, the game, my computer/laptop or just me? I wanna know any help and advice will do for as long as I get to play this awesome mod! がんばって!

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

On the subject of the setup event, I found it interesting to note that France was not receiving the pop-ups that other nations get upon the start of the game. For example, when I tested out Ireland, it received its Doctrine choice pop-ups at game start, but not France. I think this could also be an issue...

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thebromgrev Author
thebromgrev - - 137 comments

Could be related to the AI not firing the setup decision. We've fixed it on our end, but you can fix it on your by editing the file ../hoi3/tfh/mod/hpp/script/ai_foreign_minister.lua. Search for --minister:ExecuteDiploDecisions() near the top of the file and delete the two dashes. That will cause the setup decision to fire, so France should get its doctrine choice pop-ups within the first few days of the game.

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

Well, making that change has made the game playable now...! It may be a bit slower than vanilla HOI3, but then again I would expect it to be that way considering the vast amount of resources HPP needs. I look forward to the next version. Thanks and good luck!

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

Hi, A fantastic mod btw. I came across some strange problems in the game many of which you have mentioned and by the sounds of already fixed for the next patch. (i followed your steps to fix things myself) A strange thing that happened to me after these fixes was Italy invaded Germany after they popped the anchlus event (they were forced to defend it I assume). Germany totally wiped them out but it was unexpected and I feel it may have caused Axis to weaken considerably. Could this be something i've done wrong in game diplomatically? (i haven't done anything extraordinary to my knowledge) or perhaps is it a bug? (I'm playing as japan).

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

also i set politics to AI and it goes mad at replacing and changing them, is this another simple fix or is it the way the politicsAI is designed>?

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thebromgrev Author
thebromgrev - - 137 comments

This is a bug, one we haven't caught yet. Thanks for the report!

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thebromgrev Author
thebromgrev - - 137 comments

Italy defending Austria is actually a feature of the mod. The Anschluss was actually the 2nd time Hitler tried to annex Austria. The first time was done through a coup attempt and Italy intervened, threatening war if Germany annexed Austria (Italy in fact took the toughest stance on the issue while France and the UK were a bit more lenient). The situation changed after Italy's invasion of Ethiopia, so historically Italy reluctantly agreed to the annexation. Since the mod is about what ifs, what if Mussolini stood by Austria in 1938 just as he did earlier?

The core of the mod is the idea that the historical leaders didn't know what to fully expect from their actions. Hitler's annexation of Austria and the Sudetenland were total gambles, and he didn't know if the Allies would give in or fight. Just like the leaders at the time, the player won't know what the AI will do, just that the AI will make decisions that make sense given the context of what's going on in the game.

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idlejuice - - 1 comments

thanks! it is great to see details like this so finely preserved in the game :) (i was the guest who asked previous btw :p)

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Thyalin - - 1 comments

i have a problem when loading the mod.
During the loading of the map it almost crahes during "Creating texture for Quad" at 4668.
Any idea how to solve this?

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thebromgrev Author
thebromgrev - - 137 comments

I checked the Paradox tech support forum, and everyone without exception who had this problem had too little memory or hard disk space. I don't know if that's the cause of your problem, but that's all my search came up with. Building the map cache can take a long time (10 minutes for me, and my computer is less than a year old) and is very CPU intensive, but if I were to include the cache in the mod's files then the size of the download would triple.

That said, you don't really need to regenerate the map cache, since the mod's TFH and FTM map is the same as the base game's map. You can copy the map cache folder from ../hoi3/tfh/map to ../documents/Paradox Interactive/Hearts of Iron III/HPP/map and bypass the map cache regeneration.

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

I've been playing Japan and, just for kicks, I collapsed the right-wing Toseiha gov't during the 2-2-6 incident. Because of the new 'Holds Democratic Elections' flag that was put in place in the new code, I am still very much able to, putting it delicately, game the system-I can enact laws like 'Totalitarian System' because of the absence of that country flag. The same goes for coups that transition to a democratic govenrment. Looking a bit deeper into the code, I've noticed that the setup.txt event (GOD) is supposed to prevent this by checking the game on a daily basis. Apparently, I do not think this is happening! I've tested it myself.

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

In addition, the Secession events for USA always result in CTDs...

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Xesan - - 17 comments

Hi, i'm having CTDs every time i hover my mouse on certain events like "Preparing for war" or some naval ones for the UK. Is this a known bug or am I the only one experiencing it?

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thebromgrev Author
thebromgrev - - 137 comments

That's new, I'll look into it.

When you hover over the decisions, what are you hovering over when you get the CTD? The description text? The ? that lists the conditions you need to meet?

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Xesan - - 17 comments

Any of them, and it just gues CTD. Also some naval techs from escort and capital ships are ammassed in the upper left angel of the screen one on top of each other. I'm even missing symbols and photos for AA and AT brigades saying only "Anti tank bat". May it be that i ****** up the game installing the graphics pack on the TFH version?

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thebromgrev Author
thebromgrev - - 137 comments

I just checked the decisions as the UK, and could hover over everything without any problems. The tech screen looks fine too, with nothing in the corner. Sounds like you installed the mod in the wrong place or you forgot to move the game outside of C:\Program Files and the Windows UAC screwed up your install. The graphics problem is something you only see when the tfh/mod/hpp/gfx folder is missing. The tech buttons being in the wrong spot is caused by the interface folder not being present.

The graphics pack wouldn't affect the counters or techs, but would affect the photos, so I don't think it's the origin of the problems you're seeing.

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Xesan - - 17 comments

I have the game installed in D: AND no UAC, i really don't undesrtand why it does that. I think I'll reinstall everything then. Thanks for your help.

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Xesan - - 17 comments

Reinstalled the whole mod (included the documents folder) still crashes when i hover on the "?" in "Prepare for war" playing as Austria.

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thebromgrev Author
thebromgrev - - 137 comments

Sorry, I don't know what else to say. I'm using the same set of files you are and am not seeing this, so I don't know what could be causing it to CTD for you. The only thing I can think of is that you put the files in the wrong place, because I've made that mistake myself in the past :P

In your ../hoi3/tfh/mod folder, do you see a folder named HPP and a file named hpp.mod? Inside your HPP folder, do you see 13 other folders, with the top one being cgm? If not, then your install is wrong.

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1malhahaha - - 18 comments

does not start :(

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thebromgrev Author
thebromgrev - - 137 comments

Please follow the install instructions to the letter. Over the past 3 years we've found that 99% of all install problems are due to people not following the install directions. The only issue I've seen is that people with computers that don't have much memory can have problems building the map cache, and there's a workaround at the bottom of the latest news item.

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bt910125 - - 5 comments


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branimir1999 - - 15 comments

I have a suggestion about a mehanic that I would like to have: Can you make an IC slider that slides everything to the need (If consumer goods requirement is 200, production 400 and you have 800 free IC then it automatically meets the requirement and puts the extra 200 on distribute) and all of the extra is put on "Distribute IC"? My problem is that I don't want the IC to be wasted so that I don't have to fix it everytime.

Sorry for the poorly written message, I hope you understood what I meant.

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branimir1999 - - 15 comments

Strange, I've started Operation Barbarossa and I'm the only one fighting on the front (except Finland, but they too aren't very useful), All of my allies and puppets are just guarding their own countries (Italy, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Hungary etc.). I'm not sure whether this is a mod problem or a vanilla problem but I'm guessing it's the mods because when I played as Germany in the vanilla version, everybody was attacking fighting on the front. Also, could you please include later scenarios (like 1938, 1941, 1944, etc.)?

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thebromgrev Author
thebromgrev - - 137 comments

Did you remember to call them to arms? Are they at war with the USSR at all?

Sorry, but we won't be doing other scenarios. It took us 3 years worth of research to get the 1936 one as accurate as humanly possible given the constraints of the game engine, and we don't have the time to set up the other start dates with the same degree of accuracy. The HPP team won't half-*** a later start date like Paradox and the other modders do, so we're going to stick with having just one super-accurate start date and a mod that's balanced for that start date.

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branimir1999 - - 15 comments

Yes, I did call them to war and all they do is just defend their home territory with the bunch of army I've given them while I alone just fight on the Eastern front, I might as well just annex them all for resources. And I understand regarding the later dates. Also, are you planning on adding more events (for example) for Germans or any other countries?

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branimir1999 - - 15 comments

I know, I'm annoying but could you add all of the events and wargoals possible from the vanilla? For example: "Drang nach Osten: Crush the Soviet Union and annex everything west of the Urals. We have only to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crushing down.",the wargoal to restore France, event/decision "Defend Berlin" (or something similar). That would be great if you could add that(if it already isn't added) so that the vanilla version isn't worth playing anymore. Keep up the good work :)

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

The "destiny" type decisions are vanilla hacks to make Germany perform better, and the mod doesn't use or need them. There's a decision to deal with post-war borders once the axis is down, so no need for Restore France. Drang Nach Osten was actually made by me and paradox used it, but that war goal has been turned into an armistice decision, since it makes more sense to model it as such. An armistice is something one side offers and the other can accept or refuse, while a war goal is more like someone imposing something on the loser.

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branimir1999 - - 15 comments

Thanks for clearing that up, it seems that I should've fought the war till the end. Also, I've found two provinces that don't have Russian Federation cores on them, they are Udimskiy (ID 763) and Ostashkov (ID 1184). Not sure if this was put deliberately or not.

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thebromgrev Author
thebromgrev - - 137 comments

Sorry, the "Guest" post above yours was me, but I was typing from my phone and not logged in.

The missing cores is a bug, thanks for the catch!

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

Installed as instructed and I cannot select the mod via the launcher. Starting the game anyway, how can I tell if the mod is functioning?

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thebromgrev Author
thebromgrev - - 137 comments

You MUST use the launcher. The fact you can't see it tells me 2 things: you either extracted it to the wrong place, or you forgot to do step #1 and Windows UAC deleted some files. When you extracted the mod, you should've ended up with the following files in your ../hearts of iron 3/tfh/mod folder:

1) coloured_hqs.rar
2) HPP.mod (I can tell this file is missing, because it's the file that tells the launcher how to load the mod)
3) readme.txt
4) VCSelector.exe (run it to change victory conditions)
5) A folder named HPP with other folders inside

If you don't see all of those files inside your ../hoi3/tfh/mod folder, then you extracted the 7z archive to the wrong location.

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

HPP.mod exists and is extracted as instructed. The game files are in C:, not programme files. All files you list are present and extracted

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

Never Mind! got it working, and it looks fantastic!

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

Do you mind telling me what did you do? I have the same problem. Mod is appearing in the launcher but when selected it changes nothing.

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

You probably have it in the generic hoi3 folder.

Extract it to the hoi3\tfh\mod folder

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dtolb1797 - - 6 comments

I am having the same problem, I see all of the other files except the hpp.mod file. I am extracting into the tfh/mod folder as instructed. Nothing is changing when launched by the launcher, and it the mod is selected.

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wootius - - 1 comments

Give this man a medal and sticky this somehow.

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

Great mod! The information of each country is really nice. I just wanted to ask about the secession event, because it always CTDs.

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thebromgrev Author
thebromgrev - - 137 comments

Which secession event?

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

The US Secession event

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thebromgrev Author
thebromgrev - - 137 comments

The event is bugged, I'll fix it for the next version.

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