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This is the binary for Linux. IMPORTANT! Do mind that the linux version is 'experimental': it doesn't seem to run very smooth on my setup, and I can't really find out why myself. That's why I'm very curious to your experiences! Please report them - even if it does run fluently! Thank you! INSTALLATION: - if you don't have them already, you need to install SDL, SDL_ttf and SDL_image (there's probably packages for that for your distro) - try running ./football (from the game dir) - if that fails with some libstdc error, type in console: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. - try running ./football again - if it still doesn't work, don't hestitate asking!

Gameplay Football public beta 0.8 (Linux version)
Pabo - - 179 comments

Hello, I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 and installed SDL, SDL_ttf and SDL_image, however I get the following error:
"./football: symbol lookup error: ./football: undefined symbol: TTF_SetFontOutline"
I tried to redownload SDL_ttf, but got the message that libsdl-ttf2.0-0 is already the newest version. Am I doing something wrong?
I hope I'll be able to play this, it's the best-looking football game I've seen on Linux.

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