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A small horror based game company looking for anyone with any gaming knowledge of game making! We would like to hire you!

Add job Report Looking for ALL positions for a new HORROR game! at Zed Games

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located Anywhere.

Posted by Zed Games on

Zed Games is looking for all positions to help create a very special horror game.

About Me:
I am a Horror movie/game FANATIC! I LOVE LOVE LOVE horrors. I love the feeling of the adrenaline going through my body when I can't go through the next door but I do anyway and something pops out at me. Anyway, I am a concept artist from Maine, USA looking to create a well made horror game, sad part is, I have no talent in any programming fields. So I need YOUR help!

What am I looking for?
- 3D Modeler
-- Must be able to make models based off of concepts given to you
- Character Modeler
-- Must be able to make models based off of concepts given to you
- Game Programmer
-- Must be able to program code and know what to do with what he's given
- Scriptor
-- Help write and manage the script to create a well flowing game
- Level Designer
-- Help design the level flow (where characters go and what happens within each room)
- Background Music/FX Artist
-- Be able to create nice, well recorded background audio (Includes stuff like doors shutting, guns, etc) and music
- Anyone else that has a special gift they would like to contribute.

As of now, this project will be freelance and will not be paid. So this would be a GREAT opportunity to expand your portfolio (I know I will) and get more experience.

To apply: Send 2-3 of your previous work to decostatucker@gmail.com

To Apply

Email decostatucker@gmail.com with 2-3 previous works.