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We do not make games together anymore but can be reached here or better on facebook
Hope you enjoy our games as much as we enjoyed making them ;)

Titles released:
Lair of the Madhat (Dungeon Crawler - 1-2 players)
Transphoria (FPS - 1-2 players)
Durôdom (RTS)
Alter_Light (Space shooter)


Johan Lindell (www.johanlindell.net)
Filip Edgren (www.filipedgren.com)
Christian Lood (www.christianlood.se)
Mathias Södermark (www.mathias.sodermark.com)

Erik Nilsson (www.eanart.com)
Elin Lindehoff (www.elinlindehoff3d.com)
Hanna Bortas (www.hannabortas.se)
Therese Magnusson (www.theresemagnusson.se)
Xenia Stroganova (www.xeniastroganova.com)

Level Designers:
Filip Pilebo (www.filippilebo.com)
Gustav Bouvin (www.gustavbouvin.com)
Sara Sällemark (www.sarasallemark.com)

Add game Games
Lair of the Madhat

Lair of the Madhat

Hack 'n' Slash

A dungeon crawler. About 3 friends and their quest for an unknown treasure. Developed by ManyHat for 1-2 players. Requirements: You will need a DX11 supported...



First Person Shooter

A 2 player co-op survival shooter. 3 levels. 3 weapons. Play over LAN for CO-OP. Heal and help your buddy. Shoot off body parts! Havok Physics. ... and...

Alter Light

Alter Light

Combat Sim

Alter_Light_ is a space shooter with epic space battles, thrilling gameplay, breathtaking environments and an engaging story with a humoristic touch.



Real Time Strategy

a RTS game in a fantasy setting. Control 3 different unit types, capture nodes and buff your units to victory by destroying the enemy Rift!

gappy928 - - 10 comments

I think I have an Intel Core Quad, or somethings like that. When I launch the game, the screen is black for about a minute and then I can hear the audio but that's it.

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kspatarms - - 1 comments

im missing d3d11.dll

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pil3n Creator
pil3n - - 87 comments

re-install directX

Reply Good karma+1 vote
luisfx - - 7 comments

I got a error from Transphoria Microsoft Visual C++
Can you guys solve it?

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pil3n Creator
pil3n - - 87 comments

You will need a dx11 supported graphics card to run our games. Sorry 'bout that

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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