These models were originally part of the Original Trilogy Mod for Freespace 2. They have been converted to FBX for use in Unity with the persmission of the original team.
Package includes:
- Individual fbx and texture files (converted from dds to png) for each model
- A Unity Package with pre-made prefabs (textures and materials applied, LODs deactivated, proper orientation, etc)
You are free to use the models provided the following credits are included and you don't sell them, use them in a commerical project, or claim they are your work.
Thanks to the following contributors:
- WookieeJedi and the Original Trilogy Mod team for compiling all the assets.
- Warfull for the amazing models: X-wing, Y-wing, A-wing, Nebulon B Frigate, Correlian Corvette, Star Destroyer, Mon Calamari Cruiser, TIE Avenger, Fighter, Interceptor, and Bomber, Assault Gunboat, Rebel Transport, Lambda Shuttle, Space Station, Freighter, and Z-95 Headhunter.
- Coffeesoft for the following models: escape pod, and small containers.
- FekLeyrTarg for Outer Rim hyperspace buoy, commSat, container ships.
- Fightermedic for the asteroids.
- Galemp for the satellites and secondary models.
- Raphael de Bouchony for the TIE Pilot.
- Abdyla for the Rebel Pilot and escape pod.
- Hard Light Productions community ( for their support in creating the Original Trilogy Mod.
- MichaelEGA for the conversion to FBX and the unity prefabs.
The following models are included:
Assault Gunboat
Asteroid Base
Asteroid Brown
Asteroid Deep Freeze
Asteroid Ice Big
Asteroid Ice Cylinder
Asteroid Ice Particle
Asteroid Ultra Violet
BFF1 Bulk Freighter
Concussion Missile
Container A
Corellian Corvette
Death Star Block
Delta Class DX9 Transport
Escape Pod
GR-75 Transport
Heavy Rocket
Lambda Class Shuttle
MC80A Homeone
Nav Buoy 1
Nav Buoy 2
Nav Buoy 3
Nav Buoy 4
Nebulon B Frigate
Proton Torpedo
R2 Unit
Rebel Pilot Ejected
Seismic Charge
Space Bomb
SSD Executor
Star Destroyer
Tie Avenger
Tie Fighter
Tie Interceptor
Tie Pilot Ejected
Turrent Large
Turrent Small
XQ1 Platform
Z95 Headhunter