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We're Molten Cherry, the development team behind the in-development comedy-survival horror game BLACK FRIDAY.

Add job Report Player/Dinosaur Modeler - Mesozoicide at Molten Cherry

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Indiedb.com on

A survival-horror game about dinosaurs that is inspired from old-school survival horror games back in the PSX era such as the original Resident Evil & Dino Crisis. It brings back fixed camera angles and tank controls to harken back to a classic era of survival horror.

Play solo, or with up to three friends and investigate a facility off the coast of New Zealand that has been bringing extinct animals back from the dead for scientific purposes, but there's something larger at play behind the scenes.

The game will play similar to Resident Evil: Outbreak.

Engine: Unity
Developed by: Molten Cherry
Release Date: TBD - Hopefully 2018
Players: 1-4
Genre: Survival-horror
You'd be in charge of creating the player models for the characters and making the models for the dinosaurs encountered in-game. The models would need to be low-poly and reflect the early horror days of Resident Evil on PS1.

To Apply

Send a PM to TyrannoByte on IndieDB with past experience, and examples of your work.