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Small Indie game development studio with the goal to break into the games industry with a bang.

Add job Report Looking for Members (programmer, 3D Artist, 2D Artist) at LMB Games

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located Anywhere .

Posted by LMB Games on

Hello all.
We are looking for members who are good in the following areas:
3D Artist,
2D Artist.

We are aiming to create a small yet fun Mini-Golf game with a cartoon style twist that will be released on Android Phones and tablets as well as the i-store at a later date. The game will feature 20+ fun filled levels that require strategy in order to gain the top awards for that level. Possible features could include a custom map maker and leaderboards ect.

We are a small company that is currently on leave from University where we study Games Design. All applicants should know we attempt to stick to a professional pipeline which include deadlines. However do not be put off by this, we are indie developers and intend to make projects like this fun for us too.

Serious applicants please as this is a project we would like to finish and not give up half way through. The game will be created in Unity and profits will be split between team members.

Luke Brady

As well as the messaging feature on this site, Applicants can also apply via email lukembrady@gmail.com

To Apply

Send a PM to myself on here, otherwise email me at lukembrady@gmail.com