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Binary Arch's goal is simple. World Domination. Or, once the beer has worn off, to make a bunch of great games and tools. Currently developing Quantum within Unity3D using the ARPG framework(Will add page for that in due time.)

Add job Report Lead 3D Artist at Binary Arch

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Binaryarch.co.uk on

We are seeking a very skilled and *highly* motivated 3D artist to fill the ranks.

Your job, in a nutshell, will be to bring to life my very ambitious ideas and plans. I am a very experienced coder since the era of commodore 64, and the game/rpg framework are coming along swimmingly.

So if you are dedicated, passionate about making games, and have some talent to back it up, please contact us soon!

The game is called Quantum, it is an action role playing game that at all times is never dumbed down to target certain market. Our simple, humble goal? To make the best video game man has ever played.

We need you to realize that goal.

To Apply

Please send examples of your 3d work(Textured prefable, but not essential) to AntonyCoder@GMail.com and I will respond very shortly. A PM via this site is also fine.