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Legends of Strife now has a Stats System and a game mile stone has been reached!!

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So we haven't posted in a while... that doesn't mean we haven'y been working on Legends of Strife. In fact our internet was down so that's basically all we've been doing.

Our biggest news is the beautiful stats system that we've fully implemented. Stats on items, player stats, stats that grow with your level, stats that increase according to NPC's level, stats that only apply to certain spell types, stats on the character screen and the list goes on. In essence, everywhere you want stats there will be stats. We even put in a little box popup that will tell you the stats of an item while you hover over it.

The stats are mostly self explanatory, and I'll probably give then a good elaboration later, but for now I'll give you a video demo and move on to the other stuff we were up to.

Once again we are working on the Legends of Strife World Editor. Meaning the landscape is getting an overall tweak and improved looks. Rolling hills and steep cliffs, crafty nooks and protruding plateaus are now available to please the eye and hide little (or big) in game secrets.

We tweaked the way some models are rendered for a better effect.

And added new loading screen.

With the stats system complete, Legends of Strife has reached an exciting milestone: All the basic game functionality is finished! The rest of the work will be growing the world and adding snazzy features while improving visuals and performance. With the foundation laid the world will fill up even faster. Look forward to it!!

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