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Post news RSS SideScroller Preview - Major Release Eminent - $150 Steam Game Contest Extended

We're excited to show off a video of our upcoming sidescroller gametype! In addition we have a new release on the way with some major features including a Masterserver, MovieCube so you can create your own Machinima, many RPG enhancements include minimaps, and lots more! Also we have lots of updates and bugfixes for a cleaner running Sandbox experience!

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Check out this awesome video of our sidescroller mode! One of the biggest features shown off in this video is our new dynamic cameras. They are also adjustable on how much swing you want them to have. Unfortunately when the video was taken the map didn't include powerups, but they will be in the release. Some of the powerups include winged armor, the ability to attract items such as coins, and more! In addition there are flying fish and lavarock projectiles!

An update about our $150 Steam Game Contest which includes the ability to win a copy of the action RPG Divinity 2 is that the deadline has been extended to Monday January 18th at 8pm EST. To read more about how you can win a copy of the awesome game Divinity 2 among other prizes please check out the contest post

Our new release is due out in the next 48 hours. It will include some major updates including a working masterserver and MovieCube which will allow you to script and create your own Machinima movies! The power of MovieCube is that it allows the user assign scripts/commands to models to make execute animations, walk around, etc. It could also be used to create a city live with inhabitants doing their own thing such as going up to the bar and getting drinks and then sitting back down. There are so many great possibilities. Also Sandbox offers the ability to record in game with the /movie command to start and /movie again to stop. A warning though the video is uncompressed. In addition there are lots of bug fixes and polish in this version and the RPG mode has also been updated including Minimaps!

Thank you for your support and have a great day! Take care.
Platinum Arts Sandbox Free 3D Game Maker SandboxGameMaker.com

tyche - - 4 comments

Nice video, Hirato. Even if it DID take calimer to put it up for you. Hee hee

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calimer Author
calimer - - 165 comments

It was pieced together with love <3 :D

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Tharapita - - 235 comments

Now we just need to get started on making remakes of Contra and other classic NES games with this.

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N3mix - - 130 comments

awesome game :D
hey calimer... can you help me make a side scroller fighting game :D?

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