Two weeks ago we announced the news that we have acquired the FileFront and GameFront brands. A lot of discussion ensued as a result, so I wanted to take some time to address the questions that came up.
What occurred to the old site, community and content?
For complexity, cost, privacy and other reasons it was turned off by the former owners, but hasn't been totally lost with, Nexus and other places backing it up for posterity. This means we don't have access to the old content, but are exploring ideas to restore the key bits (see below).
I've got tons of old files, can I submit them?
Yes! We have already started analysing the old urls getting hit, and using this data have built a list of files that are in-demand. For those that have reached out with old patches, mods and content on their harddrives, we encourage you to browse this list and to fill the gaps by submitting what you have, just make sure that the filenames are exactly the same or else the redirect url (for the original file) won't work.
What are your plans for the future of the site?
When we use the wayback machine to browse the old FileFront Network, we really appreciate what a beautifully complex (but complete) site FileFront once was. It had an active community curating files, pictures of the day, stories and everything in-between. The modern simplified web which does away with a lot of this in favor of automation and usability really sucks sometimes. While rewinding the clock and rebuilding this probably doesn't make sense, as it would take significant time and effort, please realize that the current GameFront site is temporary while we work on something new.
How can I help and get involved?
As mentioned above, we've built a list of files missing that people want. If you have these files please submit them! Secondly, we are going to be hosting a discord chat about the future and welcome everyone to join in and weigh in with their opinion. We will let people in the Discord chat know when it is scheduled, so please join us if you would like to participate.
I hope you will keep everything that once was and build on it rather than remove its history.
I know it may seem trivial to for example keep the several year old comments to a mod that was downloaded a whopping 49 times but it's still a part of the site's history.
great news :D
It's incredible nice to see GameFront is back, I'll do my best to help out.
Time to upload some files then! That's a useful feature you have implement in order for the community to add missing files, very easy to use. Preserving the site's history, as Ori`verda said, may be a bit difficult. I prefer the new FileFront to be a user-friendly, easy to navigate and active site, under a steady, responsible management, and don't see it fail once again. So keep up the good work and I really can't see how the site will look in the end ;).
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A quick question. Will the files added on GameFront appear on ModDB and vice-versa?
Ignore, seems like they do.
I'm glad you guys are back, one of best gaming file uploading/downloading/ sites around. :)
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