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a list with all planned races including there minuses and ther advantages/special abilities.

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playable races in Awaken Dreams (future versions):

sorts; Male & Female
health: 20
special abilities: damage +2 with bare hands, can change form to; deer, Bear, Elk or Wolf (need upgrades in skills)
Minuses: can't eat meat
Beornings were a people of the upper Vales of Anduin, between Mirkwood and the Misty Mountains.The Beornings were close kin of the Éothéod, the Woodmen of Mirkwood and the Bardings.They spoke the Common Speech, and had perhaps also their own dialect of it or tongue. The Beornings kept open the passages of the Ford of Carrock and the High Pass in return for tolls, likely clearing the paths from Dale to Rivendell from evil creatures such as Orcs and Wargs.

Black Númenorean:
sorts; Male
special abilities: gets +1 to damage when in combat in deserts or snow regions.
Minuses: none
The Black Númenoreans are decendants of the Númenoreans who served Sauron at the Second Age. they mostly lived in northern Arnor or southern Gondor. When Sauron returned to Mordor, they entered into his service once again, and became known as the Black Númenóreans.

sorts; Male & Female
special abilities:sails 1.2 times faster with corsair ships.
Minuses: none
The Corsairs of Umbar were sea-raiders and pirates of the Haven of Umbar. Umbar was an old Númenórean haven settled by the "King's Men" or Black Númenóreans. By the time of the War of the Ring, the Corsairs had mixed with the Haradrim, becoming a mixed people where Númenórean blood was mostly gone.

sorts; Male
special abilities: invicible when standing 1block beside a tree's log, eyes glow red in combat
Minuses: none
Drúadan or Drûg (pl. Drúedain) is Sindarin and refers to the race the Rohirrim call Woses. They had disproportionate bodies and small, sunken eyes that glowed red when they were angry or suspicious. Elves described them as 'unlovely', and it is clear that they were, though not evil, as their appearance led many to believe. Though the Drúedain largely held themselves apart from the troubles and calamities of Middle-earth, they were clearly a good-hearted people

Dúnadan (Arnorian & Gondorian):
sorts; Male & Female
special abilities: makes no sounds when crouched. can zoom in (can't hear sounds far away)
Minuses: none
The Dúnedain, singular Dúnadan, were the the Men of Númenor and their descendants who peopled Arnor and Gondor in the Second and Third Ages. The Dúnedain formed the Realms in exile of Arnor and Gondor, around the Middle Men who were ruled by Númenórean lords and divided in the Dúnedain of Arnor and the Dúnedain of Gondor. After the fall of Arnor and then Arthedain, some of the northern Dúnedain became the Rangers of the North.In the mean time the southern Dúnedain, the Men of Gondor, intermarried more and more with so-called Middle Men, except in some regions.

sorts; Male & Female
special abilities: can tame crows and use them as spies.
Minuses: none
Dunlendings were the ferocious, stunted and vicious men that lived in Dunland, close to Rohan. Also called the Wild Men of Dunland, they have long been enemies of the Rohirrim, because they are jealous that the rich lands of the old Númenórean province of Calenardhon were granted by the Gondorians to the Rohirrim instead of them.

sorts; Male & Female
special abilities:damage more with bare hands (1 heart extra), can tame yurgs.
Minuses: runs slow 0.8 times slower. can't ride on horses, can't jump that high
The Dwarves, or Khazâd in their own tongue, were beings of short stature, often friendly with Hobbits although long suspicious of Elves. They were typically blacksmiths and stoneworkers by profession, unrivaled in some of their arts even by the Elves. The Dwarves were created by Aulë to be strong, resistant to fire and durable to the evils of Morgoth. Thus they were secretive, proud and hardier than any other race, and never forgot a wrong or debt. They were generally less corruptible than Men. When Sauron attempted to enslave the Free Folk of Middle-earth using the Rings of Power, the Elves completely resisted his power (indeed, his hand had never sullied the Three Rings), while the Nine Rings utterly corrupted the Men who bore them into the Ringwraiths. In contrast, the Dwarves were sturdy and resistant enough that Sauron was not able to dominate them using the Seven Rings. At most, the Seven Rings filled their wearers with an ultimately insatiable greed for gold, but they did not turn them into wraiths subservient to the Dark Lord, and he considered his plan to have failed. Sauron was furious at the Dwarves' resistance, spurring his drive to recapture the Seven Rings from them.

sorts; Male & Female
health: 12
special abilities: damage 1 heart ore with bare hands. can't freeze to death
Minuses: none
one of the many mannish races of Middle-Earth. these folks are not known for being friendly. They dwell in the snowy plains of Dyr in north-east Middle-Earth.

Easterling (Wainrider, Balchoth, Variag & Easterling):
sorts; Male & Female
special abilities: damage +1 heart when driving or sitting in a chairot
Minuses: none
Easterlings were Men who lived in the east of Middle-earth, and were enemies of the Free Peoples. In the third age, the Easterlings were a significant threat to Gondor; they were a more regimented force than the Orcs or even the Haradrim. It is likely that Sauron drew much of his inspiration for his Orc armies from these wicked men. Sauron suffered a harsh and heavy defeat from the Last Alliance, who vanquished his numerically superior Orcs with a ranked and ordered army. The Easterlings were all this and more, so Sauron greatly valued his alliance with the men of Rhûn. They also were known to run their foes down in great Wains, or wagons.

Elf (sindar & Noldor):
sorts; Male & Female
special abilities:doesn't slow down on snow, can zoom in (also hear sounds far away when zoomed in),
Minuses: none
the Elves were the first children of Eru, the One, whom they called Ilúvatar. The Elves are resistant to the effects of alcohol and are not subject to disease or physical aging, though they could be killed by violence or by wasting away and losing the will to live. They were otherwise essentially immortal.They are also light of foot, can travel long distances without leaving tracks, and often can walk lightly across snow where the boots of Men would go through.

Goblin (North goblin & Moria goblin):
sorts; Male
special abilities: can crawl on walls
Minuses: runs 0.8 times slower than other races.
The goblins were a smaller sort of Orc during the Third Age. They are ugly little creepers who seem to have lost any beauty in the years of evolution. Living under the mountain has made their skin all squishy and pale. Their anatomy is crippled as they like to run around bent down. Their eyes are very big as it is normal for animals living in a dark environment. Their strength mainly lies in number.

sorts; Male & Female
special abilities: can tame oliphaunts (no other races can do this)
Minuses: none
The Haradrim or Southrons were the proud and warlike people of the Harad, in the south of Middle-earth. Ancient enemies of Gondor, they allied with Sauron during the War of the Ring.

sorts; Male & Female
special abilities: makes no sounds when walking around (does not count running), it's easiere for them to catch fish.
Minuses: can't jump that high, runs 0.6 times slower than others, can't ride on horses
"in a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit". Hobbits were a small race that typically dwelt underground, believed to be related to Men. They played little role in history, save during the War of the Ring. Hobbits were between two to four feet tall, the average height being 3 feet 6 inches, with short legs slightly pointed ears and furry feet with leathery soles, resulting in most never wearing shoes.

Human (bree-lending, North-man & woodman):
sorts; Male & Female
special abilities: none
Minuses: none
Men were one of the Kindreds of the Children of Ilúvatar. Men were called the Secondborn by the Elves, their Elder brethren, because they were the last of all the incarnate races to come into being. Though they were born after the other sentient races, Men were destined to inherit and rule Middle-earth. Although all Men are related to one another, there are many different groups with different cultures.Men bear the so-called Gift of Men, mortality.When Men die, they are released from Arda and the bounds of the world and have rest from its troubles. However, the influence of Morgoth has caused Men to fear their fate, and view Death as a Doom instead of a Gift.

Lossoth/ snow-men
sorts: male & female
health: 12
special abilities: travel 1.2 times faster in snow than others,
minuses: none
The Lossoth, also called the Snowmen of Forochel, were survivors of the Forodwaith, the ancient people from whom the northern lands of Middle-earth took their name. The Lossoth lived mainly on the Cape of Forochel that enclosed the Icebay of Forochel, but they also camped around its southern rim. They had a culture well adapted to their icy existence, constructing houses out of snow, and travelling on sleds and bone skates.

sorts; Male
special abilities: when eating manflesh hunger bar gets full, can tame yurgs
Minuses: can only eat flesh, they hunger faster when in day-light
The Orcs were bred by Melkor in mockery of the Elves, sometime during the Great Darkness. During the Third Age, Orcs were the standard troops of the Witch-king of Angmar and Sauron (both in Mordor and in Dol Guldur).In Angmar, Orcs fought in the Angmar War. Years later, they invaded Eriador under the leadership of the Necromancer.

sorts; Male & Female
special abilities: sail faster in a boat (1.5 times faster), it's easiere for them to catch fish
Minuses: none
the rivermen was one of the many mannish races of Middle-Earth. they were an isolated folk and prefered to leave in peace near the rivers of Eriador. known for there great fishery and sailing skills.

sorts; Male & Female
special abilities: can tame horses with ease, rides 1.2 times faster
Minuses: none
The Rohirrim, or the Horse-lords, were a horse people, settling in the land of Rohan, named after them. The name Rohirrim was mostly used by outsiders: the name they had for themselves was Eorlingas, after their king Eorl the Young who had first brought them to Rohan.

sorts; Male
special abilities: damage 1 heart more with bare hands, runs 1.1 times faster than others
Minuses: none
The Uruk-hai were a new breed of Orcs that appeared during the Third Age. The Uruk-hai made up a large part of Saruman's army, together with the Dunlendings and other Mannish enemies of Rohan, and similar large Orcs also served as the elite troops of Mordor. They were faster than normal Orcs.

Wicked men (hillmen, bandits, ruffians)
sorts: male & female
health: 10
special abilities: when killing a nobleman- gets 1 gold coin
minuses: none
wicked men of Middle-Earth. Decendants of the Edain, now evil men who only kill for lust and greed, scavaging at the roads for helpless folks.

other races we might add:
Avari/ dark elves

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SirErwinRommel - - 366 comments

Seems very interesting, tracking!

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MacbethTheTyrant Author
MacbethTheTyrant - - 390 comments

glad you like it. hopefully some of these races will be choosable for the next version.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
mojoboko - - 74 comments

OOOOOOO my gawd two favorite things and then you have to go and say hay you can be this certain race. Ill be back i have to change my pants.

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MacbethTheTyrant Author
MacbethTheTyrant - - 390 comments

lol after all it is a server based mod so i guess the function will be best on the server. single-player is more practice :) cause' we will change around 95% of the things when it comes to the combat system

Reply Good karma+1 vote
antonconandoyle - - 5 comments

Is this Mod still a thing? or did you stoped working on it? its sad, but it seems like you did

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