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Leaderboards, lots of transformations, light&shadow;, friendslist... we packed a lot into the fist version that passes the magical treshold of 9000 releases.

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Greezz @all,

Finally we pass the magical Treshold of version 9000!

And we celebrate this with loads of news

Leaderboards, accounts and commmunity features

  • players can register their nicks [so you can become the warrior of legend among the community]
  • leaderboards finally allow players to check how they rank against each other
  • a three-tier ranking system will unlock higher transformations
  • friendslists for faster matchmaking

Loads of new transformations

  • most characters have at least the common transformations (depending on player ranking)
  • some characters got made-up transformations
  • aura get improved looks with player ranks

Beautiful new levels

The standards for level design have also risen a lot, now featuring elaborate and authentic anime backgrounds made with love.

Lights, shadows and particles

Enjoy the leaps and bounds LBZ made with new lighting and particle sytems... I am sure our coder would add about 27 feature points to count up how much everything has improved, but I think its enough to say: It looks amazing!

Improved netcode

A new state-of-art netcode will provide more precision than ever in online games.

Low-performance tweaks

Several tweaks to the engine give weaker systems a good boost in performance.(Unfortunately, buisness cards with low versions of openGL will still have troubles).

Moves got optimized for speed, speed, speed

Since LBZ is extremely fast paced, we worked out a lot of little helps to allow the player to focus on his fight without getting his controlls confused.

And we arent even done yet - heres some new stuff to come:

  • even more beautiful levels - to come as they get finished
  • better graphics for the moves - to come with small updates every now and then
  • a new generation of models - to come... well, when they are done

Have a lot of fun with this greatest version of LBZ, one that allows to use caps and say...

IT`S OVER 9000!

Wolf0x - - 437 comments

Great work, I'm eager to jump back into the game now.

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Dragonthunderer - - 3 comments

I was wondering if theres no trouble could you add new characters becaus it hasnt been updated in a while

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