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Post news Report RSS October 23rd - A lot to do and manage

We're currently working on the underlining design and code for VHEL. Most of it is just about done. It feels like nothing's really changed for the longest this year, but then I notice all these obscure notes about something we've accomplished some 4 or 5 months ago, or the like. In either case, "something" is being done. XD

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Alot on my plate

I'm sorry about not getting up an update last Friday, folks. I got caught up with VHEL auditions and a few other things. Good news is that I finally found Iberian's voice actor! Yay! It'll take a minute for her (Mrs. C) to break into character, but once she's in it, I don't think anyone will want her replaced.

Any who, we're currently working on the underlining design and code for VHEL. Most of it is just about done. It feels like nothing's really changed for the longest this year, but then I notice all these obscure notes about something we've accomplished some 4 or 5 months ago, or the like. In either case, "something" is being done. XD

Since I have everyone's attention now, I'll go ahead and talk about some of the generic game modes in VHEL. These will be standard and will likely appear in the next game, VHEL - Reaver.

Story Mode

(name in debate)

VHEL is largely a linear story told in the form of contracts and intermissions. Contracts are like missions in which you need to achieve a specific goal for a client. Intermissions are simply moments where you're not burdened by some responsibility given by the game.

There are 12 contracts in all in story mode. Each contract usually takes place in a new location, giving you one of several characters to work with along with Khana (she is the MC afterall). For example: you may be doing the Myda Ru contract, and have a courier team made up of Khana and Nolan. Sometimes, but rarely, you'll be able to switch up your team with other characters on standby during contracts.

Conquest Mode

(name in debate)

Unlike Story Mode, Conquest mode is 100% player defined and player dependent. Contracts and environments are dynamically generated, timelines are automatically established, and destinations are chosen by the game randomly. Here, your grand objective is to get the best possible score -- or "notoriety"-- possible, while completing varying objectives. The bigger your notoriety, the more tools and perks you'll have at your disposable.

In addition to all this, the game will also dynamically scale enemy sets the more you progress. This means that enemies that you encounter will also change and evolve; Ivarian Ragnic, Marauders, Scouts, Anubis Scouts, Darmun Ragnic, and even the legendary Reavers themselves -- they're all coming out of the woodwork to send a message -- one entailing your death.

There are some interesting features to Conquest beyond all the difficulty tweaks. Most of the characters within the game will be playable to make up your courier team. Yes, you can have a team without Khana in it, for once. Want Page and Nolan to duke things out for a bit? Do it -- the option will be there along with several other characters, and a few hidden ones, to choose from. You'll have options to select your own courier/marauder logo as well, along with set perks, and a truck load of other settings still being looked into.

Lastly, Conquest Mode, by default, has a game over sequence. Internally, we're calling Conquest mode "Old Skool mode" since the game is almost literally 5 times harder. Enable Demon difficulty and you'll be hard pressed to survive through one contract, let alone several. Believe me when I say this mode will be HARD. Tiji and I love games that are ruthlessly difficult...and we will make this mode near impossible to beat for the lighthearted, rookie couriers out there.

Bestiary Mode

A giant collection of information about Nor Prime and the game in general -- that simple. The Bestiary will include EVERYTHING I've slaved over for the past 7 years. My entire gallery of art related to VHEL, every single piece of information about the characters and the world, the entire script, design notes, the VHEL ost -- literally a vault of content that has amassed over the years, now being presented in the form of a giant compendium. You won't get EVERYTHING at first -- you'll have to unlock a bit of it through Conquest and Story mode. The most promising elements relate to the Reavers. "That" content basically would give away some of the tid bits related to VHEL - Reaver, if you wanted to get a jump start on what the next game will be like.

We needz help!!!111!!

If you're an artist -- a good one -- don't be afraid to ask to help out with this great project. We're on the verge of syncing in the art with the gameplay and the rest of the tech, and we seriously need more artist on board. Sure, I can handle most of it, but I'm just one person. So if you think you can handle the workload and be a vital part of the team, don't be afraid to ask.


I'm gone. I have a storyline script to finish up before November (wayyyy too much to finish up before November ends).

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