Hello from Nyrthos!
We‘re happy to announce that our second demo is ready.
First things first - to take a part in it, please register here: Forum.nyrthos.com
We‘re firing it up next week. Also, please note that (once again) we are looking mostly for people willing to give us feedback and help test the game :)
Also - if you wouldn‘t mind giving us a little hand, we would appreciate you letting us what you think, and most of all, sharing this post.
In case you felt bad for not receiving any juicy updates, hopefully, a few current screenshots will let you know that we were stepping the game up.
It took us almost two months since the last release, but in these two months, we managed to move some huge mountains. We also did much much more than we originally planned to do.
It‘s quite impossible to list everything, but to get a glimpse - besides a huge bug genocide, we implemented a number of new features, added a few levels, new enemies, spells and converted all the previous graphics into HD.
We‘ll be throwing out a bigger "news" post in a few days, but for now, you can check out (a little outdated, but more detailed) list about what to look for here: Forum.nyrthos.com
See you all soon!
Wow, those screenshots look awesome. Hats off to your environmental artists!
Haha thanks :) We actually have only one artist for environment, characters, GUI and.. well, everything else :)