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Post news Report RSS Narcopolice Remake How to Play It!

Here is, the final release: Narcopolice Remake. Bug fixed (I hope!) and some features.

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Year is 2003, almost 1/5 of the population uses drugs, a new elite was created just stop it: Narco Police

After a year of training, now they will make the final assault, an island near of Colombia. Were the Narco Processing Center (NPC) can be found. And it must be blow away! But beware, narcos inverted more than 500 milion of dollars in security.


Codename: Ambar.
Objetive: Laboratorio Central de Proceso (L.C.P.).
Location: Colombia.

Is island is a fortress, a maze of tunnels, and inside the lab that must be blown.




First choose your weapon and equipment. If no choose is done, a default will be choose.

To change the weapons, just click on the arrow to add or sustract it. But beware, you cannot excess 500 lb or 230 kg)

The equipment will be:

1.- 12 Caliber Magnum Cartridges, 35 g. Subammunition (4 units). Good for enemy soldiers, but lower effect (o inmune) against something armored. Press 1 to select it.

2. 12 Caliber AA-1 Explosivo Cartridges. Like the first, but hight destruction power. Ideal to kill armored enemies. Direct access key 2.

3. T-71 50 mm Mini Misiles with Standard Expansive Warheads. Missil with medium power. You will need two of them to destry a armored door. Direct access key 3

4. T-72 50 mm Laser Guided Mini Missiles with Perforating Warheads. High explosive missile. Only one is needed to destroy a armoured door.Direct key 4.

5. T-73 50 mm Fragmentation Warhead Mini Missiles. Miltiple war head, ideal to clear your path in "warm" zones. Direct access key 5.

6. Thor M2 Demolition Equipment with C-4a Advanced Plastic Explosives. You need to carry one of them to demolish the L.C.P.

7. MP 607, consisting of: "Little Pig" Multifunction Gun, 12 Caliber Semiautomatic Shotgun, 50 mm Class T Mini Missile Launcher. A modern weapon, can shoot a very different type of ammo, from bullets to missles.

8. Medical Kit. If a unit needs it, use it and he will be recovered fully.

9. Multi-Purpose Exchange System Unít (Computer). A hightly power computer. Will able to send you get reinforcers, give you an automap.

10. Bullet Proof Vest. Will make you hard to be killed.



Five entrances can be choosen, but you only have 3 teams, so choose wisely. Just lick on one group in the left and then click on the entrance.


Press left mouse button to fire.

Press key S, or down arrow key to change your ammo.

Press key K (or medkit command) to use medkit.

You can get info about the mission typing command chopper, or c

1. P.I.U.

The comunications will be done using Personal Intercom Unit (P.I.U.), with that you will write and receive messages. To type a messages, fist press ENTER, then the command, then ENTER again. If you need a list of commands, type 'dir'

GROUP 1 G1 controls Group 1
GROUP 2 G2 controls Group 1.
GROUP 3 G3 controls Group 3
MISSILE 1 M1 Launch missil T-71
MISSILE 2 M2 Launch missil T-72.
MISSILE 3 M3 Launch missil T-73.
DIR DIR List the commands possible
CHOPPER C General status screen
ABORT ABORT End the mission
SEND COP SC Send a cop to the actual group
PAUSE P Stops the action.
CONTINUE CONT Continue the action
USE KIT K Use the med kit
SETEXPLO SE Set the explosives
LOGIN Ll Able to connect to terminals
GOAHEAD GO To acess to second level.

When you arrive the last section of the first level, press goahead to continue to sector 2.

If a group arrives to last door, then you can access to last level with GOAHEAD, or change the group to go to their last door. If not, only the group in the last door will access to level 2.


Inside tunnels, you will found terminals that can help you to deactive some defenses. First need to login with LOGIN.

LOG OFF L Ends the conection
DIR DIR Show the commands
DEACT CAMERAS DC Deactivate the cameras
DEACT GUNS DG Deactivate the cameras
OPEN DOOR O Open all doors from tunnels.
STATUS S Shows the number of enemies casualities
MAP M Shows a map of the zone.

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