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The television screens flickered into life around the hall. On screen, the President of Earth was shown in his characteristic royal blue suit, addressing the public. "People of Earth, the Tethesian virus has now encompassed 97% of the earths population, and will infect the remainder within days. The Emergency Confederacy has decided to implement Exterminatus, complete nuclear incineration of the planet. If those **** want this planet so badly, we'll make sure they dont get it one piece. Further

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The television screens flickered into life around the hall. On screen, the President of Earth was shown in his characteristic royal blue suit, addressing the public. "People of Earth, the Tethesian virus has now encompassed 97% of the earths population, and will infect the remainder within days. The Emergency Confederacy has decided to implement Exterminatus, complete nuclear incineration of the planet. If those **** want this planet so badly, we'll make sure they dont get it one piece. Further to this, we have detected the presence of Tethesian ships entering the system. The Confederacy orders all Tagged persons to immediately make for their nearest transport pads and meet at the designated location. In these fine men and women, we now entrust the future of humanity. Godspeed!"
As promptly as the screens had lit up, they once again sat idle, completely blank. With the resulting Global Pandemic, all public broadcasting had reached a stand still, with only EC announcements being made. George glanced down at the now glowing band that had been clamped to his forearm. George looked up to his parents. George is just 16 years of age, and is the only member of his family immune to the Tethesian virus. His father placed one hand upon George's head, and mouthed the word "Go". A single tear leaked from George's eyes, and he turned and made for the transport pad.
Pushing through the crowd of people trying to get into the Transport room, George made his way to the security gate and raised his right arm into the air, showing his glowing band. The guards pushed back the crowd and pulled George over the gate and on into the transport room. Inside were only two others, each with their forearms glowing brightly. One was a girl almost the same age as George, the other was an older man. The man winked at George and beckoned him onto the pad, "Quickly now! There's not much time!" George ran onto the pad and stood in the space between the man and the girl.
At once the center of the transporter flared up with a yellow wave of energy, and the pad flashed with light, blinding the three of them. As their eye sight adjusted, they were pulled from the pad by guards and pushed towards the exit gate, shouting at them to hurry. As the three of them ran through the gate, the air was filled with a deafening bellow of sound, followed by a sharp whistling. Knocked to the ground by the sound, George pulled himself up and looked to the sky, a large ship had descended through the atmosphere and fired a beam of energy into the transporter behind them. The transporter sparked with electricity and exploded in a flash of light. The guards were disintegrated by the beam leaving just their clothes and equipment.
The girl screamed. George quickly looked around, only a few of them had made it through the transporters. A computerised voice announced, "The transporters are now inoperative, please make your way to the ships." George grabbed the girl and the three of them ran into the nearest ship. Written on the side were the words Titan Strike. The automated voice came again, "Departure imminent!" The door on the ship began to close behind them, a group of people ran towards the door of the ship as it closed, shouting. From within the ship, banging of the door could be heard. Then came the now familiar whistling sound, and the banging ceased. The people outside had died, the girl was crying. Looking around the ship, George could see that just fourteen had made it onto the ship.
The ship began to whirr, as the ships engines burst into life. The ships hull buzzed occasionally, due to the Tethesian ships firing upon the ship. These experimental ships however had been fitted with special shielding which blocked EM radiation, protecting the ship from the onslaught of the alien vessels. George got to his feet, and ran with the others through the storage bay and up the stairs to a large room they assumed to be the control room. Around the room were many screens, some with maps and ship schematics, others were blank except for the words, "Take off in progress". The ship shook, indicating it had begun rising from the ground. Each of them jumped into a seat and fastened the harnesses on their seats.
The ship seemed to be acting automatically, it's computer guiding the navigation systems as it rose into the sky. It had become apparent to George that the ship had no windows and was completely sealed. Looking to the front of the room they were in, a screen lit up, showing a scale diagram of the ground and its atmosphere, with four little symbols showing ships rising through the earth's atmosphere. The diagram showed that the ship had climbed half way to escaping the earth's gravity, two of the ship symbols faded, leaving just two.
George pointed to the screen, "What just happened?"
The robotic voice came again, "The two ships, Thunderhawk and Phoenix were destroyed by the invading ships. Without EM shielding, the Tethesian weaponary penetrated the ships' hulls and killed the crew, and shorted the ships systems. Only the Titanstrike and Collossus remain."
They all remained silent, mourning the loss of those within the other ships. But the silence was quickly broken by the image on the screen showing that of the president again. "Passengers of the Titanstrike and Collossus, I regret to inform you that shortly, you will be all that remains of the human race. Nuclear Incineration has been initiated and the Earth will be engulfed with Deadly Radiation within minutes, hopefully destroying the Invading ships and allowing you to escape. Your destination is Athos Prime, ten light years from earth. With the experimental CTL Drives on your ships, it will take almost 11 years to reach Athos Prime. Supplies have been provided to sustain you on your journey. Upon arriving at Athos Prime, you must reestablish the human race. You are all that is left. Just remember..."
The president was interrupted by someone entering the room behind him, "Sir, it's time". The screen flashed and changed to static. Earth was gone, only the inhabitants of the remaining two ships were left. The screen now indicated they had left Earth's atmosphere. And the screen's now said "Closer To Light Drive Charging: 94%".
The ship's voice sounded again, "We will be accelerating to Near Light Speed shortly, please ensure you are fastened into your seats, keep hand's and feet within the vehicle, and remain seated for the duration of the acceleration process. You will be alerted when the inertial dampners have adapted to CTL speeds."
George instantly thought to himself how it wouldnt be possible for him to put his hands outside of the ship.

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