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We're catching our breath after the Engine Test release last Friday. We are excited to see you guys already modding the game, adding things like sprinting, crouching, deathmatch, etc.

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We're catching our breath after the Engine Test release last Friday. We're very happy that it seemed to be well-received and that all of you are enjoying an early look at the technology and art style in the game. So far we've had over 7,000 people run the engine test which is the majority of our pre-orderers!

Community member rsd stole our thunder with today's update so I guess we'll have to try something else! Max and Kurt are hard at work addressing issues that you've reported. They're also bringing the editor up to speed (it is currently using our old slower rendering pipeline and it will get much faster shortly).

We are excited to see you guys already modding the game, adding things like sprinting, crouching, deathmatch, etc (we've developed a lot of this as well, although we didn't feel it was ready for release yet). We love this first NS2 "frag" video too:

We've been hearing about how much you like the NS2 music at the main menu. The musician is David John, whom we've been collaborating with for a few years now. To make sure the music doesn't interfere with the game, we're using intermittent musical "stingers" in-game. However, we really wanted to create a full standalone soundtrack as well, so we're working on that and planning to release that for sale when it's done. In the meantime, here's the main menu audio track in .mp3 for you to listen to or download:

Download (5.9M)

Finally, I'm refactoring our NS2 game script to make sure we can release bits of if to you guys without releasing the whole game (before it's ready). This will also allow us to release updates more easily without breaking your mods (something we are particular sensitive to!). We're also making a small game mode that is both useful for us in building our mod infrastructure and should prove entertaining to many of you (especially if you've been around since the original NSTR!).

Flazor - - 767 comments

omg, awesome...

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razorb - - 500 comments

shame about the bunny hopping :/ but im sure thats going to go :)!

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Awesome_ninja - - 809 comments

It's gonna be the first game ever to have mods even before the alpha is released =)
Excellent job UWE! You are making an excellent game!
EDIT: the frag video is sweet indeed

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DELTΔ - - 552 comments

Actually Overgrowth has mods already before its in alpha in fact it had them last year so I think it wins :P its a great game by the way you should check it out.

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Awesome_ninja - - 809 comments

aww, didn't knew it =(...I only started to watch the game after the Indie Game pack (alpha 47)

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xXMaNiAcXx - - 4,807 comments


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Kamikazi[Uk] - - 1,412 comments

Nice track and video is pretty cool.

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TeamWolf - - 449 comments

Love how the game looks.

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radutanasie - - 949 comments

Some more media with the Female marine or the black armor would be awesome.Anyway, keep it up!

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Dra6o0n - - 534 comments

Hmm, it's inevitable that someone will make a...
Zombie Mod!

No really, the engine seems perfect for it, if you are creative enough to mod it.

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LeonSeie - - 139 comments

That would be awesome!

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MortalMaxx - - 85 comments

Great composer, great game. Thanks for sharing!

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Spacecraft - - 22 comments

The engine test was kind of laggy for me. It wasn't a continuous low fps, but sporadic lag spikes. Makes me think it had something to do with ram, of which I have 3GB.

I hope it gets better.

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spellman23 - - 127 comments

Sorry to hear that, but keep in mind it's an engine stability test, not a performance test.

We're hoping that the final product will be much more optimized. Making your own engine is hard work!

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koburamoe - - 124 comments

Looks like Unreal Engine 3/UDK ! Wich is awsome :D

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cinco - - 880 comments

bunnyhopping: the sign of a crappy game.

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Otreum - - 767 comments

I stopped watching that after a few seconds, the bunny hopping was frustrating to watch. I am hoping the video author bunny hopped to show just how annoying it is, so that the developers will eliminate it....Either that or the guy has spacebar syndrome where he's been bunny hopping his whole gaming life, and can't help but press the spacebar repeatedly while gaming now :P

The music was pretty good though, but I didn't feel that some of the instruments used actually fit the theme of the game. Some instruments made me think of fallout 3, but mostly made me think of a western themed game like red dead redemption.

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NullSoldier - - 973 comments

People like you make me sick to my stomach. There's so many things wrong with what you said. It makes me sick that so many people feel the need to comment on "bunny hopping". It makes me remember the days when games were actually about skill and gamer's used every tactic they had at their disposal to win.

Now new generation games are filled with lesser gamers who want everyone to stand still and use weapons that lend to lesser skill. It's truly sad.

I hope everyone that trashes bunny hopping realizes that they are ruining games. Go play Halo on the Xbox where you belong.

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Snazz - - 482 comments

There's no skill involved in bashing your space button repetitively.

BTW 'New generation games' include reflex shooters that reward reaction times and accuracy.

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AlCool - - 3,112 comments

You obvious haven't bunny hopped on many games if you think you only have to press space bar.
Real bunny hoppers don't use space bar, and it requires a lot more then that on many of the games it's used on.

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Otreum - - 767 comments

Ah yeah, I think they use right mouse click instead, because those games don't have iron sights.

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jmz - - 172 comments


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Otreum - - 767 comments

"People like you make me sick to my stomach." - People who can see a potentially damaging feature in a potentially brilliant game? I can live with that :)

"It makes me sick" - Again? Better get that checked out, sounds nasty.

"when games were actually about skill and gamer's used every tactic they had at their disposal to win" - I don't play games online much, but as far as I can tell, nothing has changed; Each game requires different tactics and skills. Sniping and "noob toobing" in Far Cry 2 is annoying to me, just as bunny hopping and rocket launchers are annoying in UT or Quake, but they are still valid "tactics" because the game allows for it.

"lesser gamers" - So you're saying that the majority of the gamers are "lesser" because they don't like bunny hopping? If that's the case, then i'm perfectly ok with being a lesser gamer.
You go have fun being l337 ok? ;)

"Xbox where you belong." - It's actually not a bad place to go, it can be very relaxing, and tends to make people not take things so seriously ;)

...Nullsoldier, do you really have to resort to insults and abuse whenever you see an opinion that you don't like or understand?

My post, just like everyone elses here, is an opinion, a very valid one. We can see bunny hopping as being damaging to a potentially brilliant game. You have absolutely no right to come here, and abuse us all.

If you don't like our opinions, tough.

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tu5ka - - 7 comments

Basically, the term "bunny jumping" isn't even used in the realm of Quake games. Jumping is a core mechanic of game play there. I'm not saying this to prove you wrong, on the contrary, it's to prove your point. Players learn to use the most effective strategies and techniques, allowed by the game, to beat the competition. That's why features in gameplay need to be balanced out and bugs/glitches/exploits removed. Personally I think the term "bunny jumping" emerged with the games that had a "realistic" setting, u wouldn't probably jump around like a maniac if u were a soldier in the field. I think in some games, networks latency makes players jumping around even harder to hit and in that case it might constitute as an exploit. But the bottomline is, if it works in the game, not giving unfair advantage to only some, fine! It's really an issue for the game designers to deal with, not the players.

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schoAsch - - 31 comments

what is this song in the video?

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Otreum - - 767 comments

It says at the end of the video:
"Borela - Bubblin' in the cat"

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nazfalas - - 541 comments

It's "Boreta - Bubblin' in the Cut" actually. ;)

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Otreum - - 767 comments

lol, thanks for that correction, I thought bubblin' in the cat sounded a bit strange hahahah.

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Sousuke - - 88 comments

5$ bunnyhop map soon

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Dr.Sean - - 139 comments

Is that DooM3?

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spellman23 - - 127 comments

Nope, custom engine. =]

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SAHChandler - - 119 comments

Glad to know I'm not the only one who appreciates Boreta :D

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Seldoon182 - - 42 comments

What soundtrack is (from the frag movie)?

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Seldoon182 - - 42 comments

"Boreta - Bubblin' In The Cut" my bad!

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Otreum - - 767 comments

Arg, curse this "reply to comment" thingo not working properly.
This post was in reply to "tu5Ka":
Yep, that's right, but whatever naming convention it uses, or whether or not it's a valid tactic, my initial point was that this game with bunny hopping just looks ridiculous, and will probably play ridiculously aswell and could be detrimental to the games sales if they use video's like this as a form of advertisement.

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