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Post news Report RSS Alpha 11 Complete: The Mega-Release

Alpha 11 is the largest ever Cogmind release, with several new maps, dozens of new items, robots, UI features, mechanics, and more...

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Welcome to the mega release that is Alpha 11 :D. Within you'll find a ton of new content, features, and tweaks, making this easily the largest Cogmind update ever.

In short, Alpha 11 includes several new areas to explore, many more unique parts and mechanics to play with, a cast of dangerous new enemies (plus some great friends), and a really cool new UI feature.

As usual I prefer to allow players to discover all the great new content, so instead here is a sample of some of the features I can show:

Assisted item swapping for both mouse and pure keyboard players (kb ex. 1, kb ex. 2).

Dozens of new items, including Disposable Heat Sinks and Coolant Injectors to allow for more options when dealing with heat spikes. Should allow for some specialist thermal cannon melty builds :D

A summary of all your (future) runs will also be recorded to a single file for reference.

Firing a thermal cannon with a charge animation also drains the HUD brightness,

piecemeal, for the duration of the charge.

Other new categories of items enable reduction of attack time, including Actuators (melee),

Capacitors (energy weapons), and Weapon Cyclers (any projectile weapon).

Identify prototypes by simply inserting them into a Scanalyzer.

Sight range utilities (and Signal Interpreter exit destination detection)

no longer require you to move to take effect once activated.

A new formula for fast win bonuses means higher rewards for the super speedy,

and even some points for combat-length runs.

Discovering exits now always shows the autolabel regardless of the method used,

e.g. hacking, scanners, and drones.

Taking damage from an electromagnetic source now has

an associated animation in the form of ASCII characters that trace along HUD window borders.

Cogmind automatically makes optional local backups of your /user/ data "just in case" something goes wrong.

Items on the ground now show state information right in their info window as well.

See here for the full release notes with plenty more details!

Oh, and shortly after this update landed just this week, there was a surprise article in Rock, Paper, Shotgun <3

The full Alpha 11 (0.10.161011) changelog:

  • NEW: Branch map "Testing"
  • NEW: Branch map "Quarantine"
  • NEW: Branch map "[redacted]"
  • NEW: 55 new items (total now at 739)
  • NEW: 10 more alien artifacts
  • NEW: 6 unique items
  • NEW: 10 superweapons
  • NEW: 13 prototype robots (including new classes)
  • NEW: 1 new common robot class (2 variants)
  • NEW: 1 major new NPC (unique robot class)
  • NEW: 51 new machines
  • NEW: Taking electromagnetic damage animates HUD window borders (scales with damage, and can be disabled via Corruption Glitches option)
  • NEW: Item swap assist UI feature (Ctrl-RMB on attached or inventory item, or '/' followed by a~z/1~0)
  • NEW: Part-based volley time manipulation mechanic
  • NEW: Disposable heat sink/coolant injection mechanic
  • NEW: Momentum boost mechanic
  • NEW: Thermal cannons with a charge effect include a UI-draining animation while preparing to fire
  • NEW: Access points discovered via terrain scanning, Layout(Zone) hacks, or drone spotters all now auto-labeled as if seen within FOV
  • NEW: Movement blocked for a short duration after spotting a new enemy (adjustable via options menu)
  • NEW: Inserting unidentified prototypes in a Scanalyzer automatically identifies them
  • NEW: Equipping (or swapping in) a known faulty prototype requires confirmation
  • NEW: Non-part item info includes general category description
  • NEW: Non-part item info shows inventory slot count (now that some might require more than 1)
  • NEW: Segregator and Tearclaws info includes explicit descriptions of their unique mechanics
  • NEW: All Maneuvering Thrusters / Reaction Control Systems also provide automatic +1 to effective momentum for melee attacks and ramming
  • NEW: State information available for items on the ground as well, where the info page reflects their non-functional or temporarily disabled status
  • NEW: Option to completely disable manual hacking code assistance, added by request (cogmind.cfg only: see disableManualHackingHelp)
  • NEW: Confirm ally command targets with KP5 or Enter (alternatives to 'o' and LMB)
  • NEW: Score sheet meta data includes current lore and gallery collection percentages
  • NEW: Score sheet includes breakdown of critical strikes
  • NEW: Scores and basic stats from all local runs also recorded in /user/scorehistory.txt
  • NEW: Tutorial message explains bump-to-talk mechanic for robots with dialogue on the first time spotted
  • NEW: Messages for insufficient slots/inventory space on attaching/picking up items report size of item in question
  • NEW: /user/ files (config, meta data, command buffer, save...) automatically backed up to /bak/ once per day for emergency recovery purposes
  • NEW: All supporter names registered since Alpha 10 added to in-game list (see Credits menu)
  • NEW: All item-attribution names registered since Alpha 10 added to the item collection gallery
  • MOD: B-90 Cyclops buffed with new type of utility
  • MOD: Fighter/Swordsman Duelist variants buffed with new type of utility
  • MOD: Minimum volley time reduced from 100 to 25
  • MOD: Increased Cold Fusion Reactor energy output
  • MOD: Increased effect of Network Hub destruction by 50%
  • MOD: Coolant Network dissipation effect +10 (=90), integrity +100
  • MOD: Component Analysis Suite converted from duration-based to random application, effects much more frequent
  • MOD: System Backup/Restoration utilities converted from duration-based to random application, effect frequency slightly increased
  • MOD: Mining Laser/Welding Torch/Plasma Cutters converted from Special Weapons to Special Melee Weapons; enables bump-to-attack
  • MOD: Weakened Hub_04(d) defenses
  • MOD: Behemoths are more aggressive
  • MOD: AI-controlled flying robots out of view can no longer jump other robots at no extra time cost (easier to shake Swarmers with a fast build)
  • MOD: Lowered high-tier drone bay ratings, making them somewhat easier to fabricate
  • MOD: Parts list integrity visualization always shows at least one bar, even where high-integrity parts are approaching 0
  • MOD: Operators can no longer be stationed at unique named terminals
  • MOD: Implicit bump-to-melee-attack works on all permanently disabled robots found in cave regions, rather than only some of them
  • MOD: No warning shown when moving onto traps that will not trigger, e.g. treading into a stasis trap
  • MOD: Signal Interpreters activated while adjacent to an exit can determine where it leads on the next turn without requiring a move
  • MOD: State changes in sight range-modifying utilities update FOV on each new turn without requiring a move
  • MOD: Garrison access points much less likely to be found near each other
  • MOD: Important NPCs that follow player now stick closer by instead of running off to engage or chase down hostiles
  • MOD: AI distress signals only go out to armed and active (or dormant) allies (excludes rebooting/disrupted/broken/unpowered/disarmed bots)
  • MOD: Large heavy/blast door resistance against melee attacks increased
  • MOD: Buffed Greatsword damage
  • MOD: Falx better differentiated from Power Sword--slower but more damaging, and much higher critical chance
  • MOD: Efficiency of all Thermal Generators more than doubled
  • MOD: Non-resistant armors' integrity +50%
  • MOD: Resistant armors' integrity +100%; also more rare
  • MOD: Reflective/Insulated armors heavier
  • MOD: Reactive/Reflective/Insulated armor naming scheme changed to types of "Plating"
  • MOD: All part-Shielding integrity increased approximately 50%
  • MOD: Stasis link color changed from green to purple to match newer stasis-related mechanics
  • MOD: Stasis field strength around self/allies reported to log in dark orange instead of dark green
  • MOD: Data Core description explicitly indicates base duration before expiry
  • MOD: Molecular Deconstructor damage type changed to match effect description
  • MOD: Cannibalization Unit effect description explicitly states that required duration is part-dependent
  • MOD: Adv. Integration Mediator effect changed from -99% to -90%
  • MOD: All Integration Mediators apply effect to energy costs of equip/unequip as well; also increased mass
  • MOD: Sensor Array and Terrain Scanner effect descriptions explicitly state scans performed on a per-turn basis
  • MOD: Zion generally contains some number of derelict logs
  • MOD: Destroying unpowered and permanently broken robots no longer counts towards score/kills
  • MOD: Fleeing combat robots rearmed by Mechanics will reengage hostiles immediately rather than continuing to original goal
  • MOD: Evasion status summary hotkey switched from '/' to '\'
  • MOD: Removed from options menu: "Auto-wait on Low EN" (still available via cogmind.cfg as "autoWait")
  • MOD: Screenshots output to /screenshots/ rather than base directory
  • MOD: Win speed bonus score formula now = (50000000/turns); previously ((8000-turns)*5)
  • MOD: Score sheet excludes a wider variety of entries where their value is zero
  • MOD: Hvy. Battle Rifle rating dropped from 5 to 4
  • FIX: Failed to tally score on ending a game with no inventory items (regression fixed in earlier stealth update, credited here: [zxc])
  • FIX: Crash while equipping a certain secret item from the inventory via swap command [zxc]
  • FIX: Network Hub destruction alert reported old/incorrect efficiency value [Decker]
  • FIX: Results of a particular major event (spoiler) did not propagate to all expected circumstances [Decker]
  • FIX: A different particular major event (spoiler) could wipe some previously-learned manual hacking codes [Decker]
  • FIX: Switching to a different monitor or changing the desktop resolution between games didn't perfectly resize the font and map dimensions [@phi6]
  • FIX: Description for Motion Trail Duration option referenced older default value [Amphouse]
  • FIX: Burnout entry in propulsion data listing displayed a faint 'N' in front of valid non-zero single digit values [Amphouse]
  • FIX: Receiving Backup parts from a Repair Station or Mechanic didn't count as having attached them for gallery collection purposes [Amphouse]
  • FIX: Exit positions forgotten to corruption would still show exit labels [Amphouse, magi163]
  • FIX: All derelict class destruction counts were recorded incorrectly in score sheets (since Alpha 8) [Amphouse]
  • FIX: Routes through through Waste or a Garrison caused score sheet to record incorrect core remaining percent [Sherlockkat, Amphouse]
  • FIX: Analysis accuracy bonus as displayed in robot info was always +0 (but correct value was applied) [Kalkkis]
  • FIX: Attempting to insert unidentified prototypes into a Scanalyzer revealed their true name [Kalkkis]
  • FIX: Melee Analysis Suites provided 100 times the stated benefit [Kalkkis]
  • FIX: Guided weapon waypoints could path through, but not be set to, wall rubble locations [Kalkkis]
  • FIX: Weapons that failed to fire due to system corruption still applied their heat/recoil effects [Kalkkis]
  • FIX: During a particular cave encounter a Sentry could request backup even while rebooting after a Datajack hack [Kalkkis]
  • FIX: Mouse-scrolling a schematic list greater than 26 items before any selection, then selecting one via LMB, selected the wrong item [Kalkkis]
  • FIX: Repair Station vAl.05a was the only interactive machine with a shape that that might eject an item to an unexpected location [Kalkkis]
  • FIX: A stalled one-way network connection could hang the game on exit (now quits after 5 seconds) [Chad]
  • FIX: Font and map dimensions not automatically set for largest size possible with resolutions above 1440p [veryfoodverygood]
  • FIX: Part autoswapping to a different item of same category where there are multiple options might choose the one with less integrity [zxc]
  • FIX: Long item names could cause truncation of output message for damage during Scanalyzer analysis [zxc]
  • FIX: Incorrect word in component fabrication time context help message [Amphouse]
  • FIX: Typo in manual section on Hackware [Amphouse]
  • FIX: Typo in Stasis Canceller effect description [Kalkkis]
  • FIX: Loading a game with a status-caused glowing UI border effect in progress (overheating/low integrity/stasis) would not resume the animation
  • FIX: Thermal damage context help indicated incorrect amount of heat transfer (based on half damage, not full damage)
  • FIX: Score sheet "Robots Hacked" total wasn't including all possible cases
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