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Add job Report 2D Environment Artist at Croissant Cat Games

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Croissantcatgames.com on

At Croissant Cat Games we are looking for a person who feels confident developing illustrations for 2D environments.

The project we are working on is the following: Beethebest.fun

We already have a demo! Right now we are in the development phase of a trailer with a projection for a funding campaign. If the financing of the project is obtained, the invested effort will be rewarded.

The skills we look in the applying person are the following:

- Development of digital illustrations (with the software you are more comfortable with)

- Parallax composition

- Assembling files into a Unity scene

For this position it will also be necessary to understand and speak English at a technical conversational level.

To Apply

If you meet these conditions and you are interested in the opportunity, send us an email to contact@croissantcatgames.com with your CV and Portfolio.