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This game follows the story of what happens after the John Carpenter 1982 movie adaptation of the John W. Campbell JR Novel "Who Goes There?". The original game borrows heavily on the story from the 2002 video game and the current sequel expands further on the plot after Captain Blake defeats the Thing entity. After the death of Whitley and the destruction of Gen Inc property; Captain J.F.Blake boards a rescue plane and leaves Antarctica. Complications arise and the aircraft malfunctions and crashes. With no report from Blake the Alaska base sends in a new rescue team of which you the player take control. Your task is to find Captain Blake and escort him back to Alaska. However the thing entity did not die with Whitley on that day...

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What I have been doing, what I have to do, what I am not doing?

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What I have been Doing:

Well I originally started "Film Mode" and the Level Editor for the Original Thing RPG I made but I have decided to scrap work on them now. Mostly during the year I have been training and trying to get a job so I have not really had time to do RPG Maker. Now I am settled in a Job at long last and I have a lot of free time again :)

What I am doing:

Now I am going to focus a lot of my effort and energy into getting The Thing II done. I have a lot of ideas for this and I have had a lot of help and support from other people in actually getting a plan together for this. It will follow shortly after the events of The Thing RPG and will tell the tale of a second Rescue team sent in to recover Captain Blake.
*Spoilers!* (Ruins the plot of the original game)

Basically in the RPG there is a level just before the end where Blake sends out a distress call to Alaska and they send him a plane. He boards the plane but the idea is that something bad will happen to this plane and without Blake reporting in about what went down in Antarctica; A new rescue team is scrambled. Not all is as it seems though, I hope that this game will be more multi choice and "free" roam than the former. Gen Inc and the US military will be trying to cover up their blunders and the thing is still loose on the continent. Your actions here will effect the future state of Antarctica and even the world. (I will be releasing some screen-shots later)
[Spoilers End?]

The Future:

On the 15th March RPG Maker VX Ace comes out (In English). So I will hopefully be getting that in due time. Unfortunately I will be dropping work on my other game (the one that was supposed to be my main one, Dawn of the Dragon). But I will be replacing it with a new idea. But The Thing comes first.

I have yet to see the new Thing Film they made but I am looking forward to it :)
The Thing II will have future updates when complete. I want to make fan fiction or fictional side stories that detract from the main story or even make up new ones. Any suggestions are welcome and any ideas are welcome too!

Thanks for playing The Thing v1.0. Apologies for never "Fully" finishing it. Although I did some work it was never good enough in my opinion to be released.

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