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Loot, salvage, and seize in the depths of buried facilities, government, intelligence, and corporate. Immerse yourself in first-person gameplay with little-to-no HUD and all player information being in-world. Push onward in this Tactical Theatre Scenario Action mission-based shooter!

Add job Report C# Programmer for 2D Isometric Shooter/RPG-lite at Skull Jockey

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located Anywhere.

Posted by Skull Jockey on

C# Programmers will work with creative lead and team members across a virtual workspace to work on the coding backbone of a 2d isometric shooter that will utilize elements such as day/night cycles, low-scale artificial life (enemies that do not wait for the player character, but will attack each other), various inventory system types, and quest-progression checks. Once Skull Jockey's first title, Residual Blood, finishes development, any team member who is willing to stay with the team and who has left a good impression will be welcome to continue work on the second phase that RB is the predecessor to, an indie title of a more commercial nature.

Prior experience with Unity is preferred, though not necessary. Experience with specific RPG-style systems, as well as isometric games in Unity, is preferred but not necessary. Previous modding experience is also preferred, but not mandatory. Applicants should have a portfolio ready and be ready to discuss their prior role in referenced projects.

Skull Jockey is a small indie team with big ambition. Our current project, Residual Blood, is an equally ambitious isometric shooter with light RPG elements. It is a standalone demonstration of concept that will lay the foundations of a larger followup. Work is done in week-by-week cycles with weekly goals for the development team. Team members are expected to inform the team ahead of time about goals, goal completion, and show/demonstrate progress made so far at least twice per week. Delays or schedule/progress impediments are to be brought up ahead of time if team member is expecting them. We communicate through email and our development Discord server.

To Apply

Send a resume and a link to your portfolio to projectnoodleman@gmail.com