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Shoot, blow shit up, fly or bark orders in the ultimate Free-to-Play, large scale, multiplayer, shooter experience. Thousands of players in multiple battles fighting one massive war of nations. The first to capture 15 cities takes the glory.

Report RSS Intelligence Bulletin Vol 2 * No 21

The biggest news of this week is of course that the new Bradley build is up! We have really been looking forward to present all the new goodies to you!

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The biggest news of this week is of course that the new Bradley build is up! We have really been looking forward to present all the new goodies to you!


Due to a new weapon modification and character system we had to reset the servers and clear the database. So this means that your earned gold and credits are gone, but bought gold, War Bonds or gold earned by War Bonds should still remain. If not, then please contact support.

A new batch of Beta-keys is coming up quite soon, and we’ll also run a new stress test as soon as we have fixed the most grave bugs on Bradley. It’s our goal to have the community grow quite a bit over the coming months, so next week, we’re preparing a major PR push, which hopefully will attract a lot of new players.

Starting next week we’ll also send the weekly Intelligence Bulletin (you’re reading one now) by email to those interested. So if you want the latest development news to hit your inbox each week, then go to your Account settings, press ‘Change account settings’, check ‘I want to receive weekly development updates’ and press save!

Propaganda this Week

Brutal Gamer Preview

Bagogames Podcast Interview

Developer Blogs this Week

Tools of the Trade

By Reto.Splixxen, Lead Tester
“Ever so often I have to test something that’s rather tedious. For example when testing the Ribbon system I had to test the “Walk 5km” ribbon, where I actually had to walk 5km in-game…” Read More

The Bradley Build is Up and the Server Has Been Reset!

“There is a new build up on our live servers called ‘Bradley’. Some of the new things includes an improved and easier to understand weapon modification system and a slightly modified character system, which means that we had to reset the servers and your player stats, because the old system and the new one aren’t compatible.” Read More

The Visuals of Explosions

By Reto.BombeBo, Effects-dude
“A while ago Reto.draebesmoelf made a video about “The Sound of Explosions“, where he demonstrated how the different in-game explosions sounds. Well, guess what this video is about… Yes, you guessed it – the look of ‘em!” Read More

The Goddamn Sexual Tyrannosaurus and the Login Bug

By Reto.masterdisaster17, Server Programmer
“So here I am, the new guy, and someone says ’can you write a blog entry?’. Well sure. Sure I can.” Read More

Team Debriefing


Reto.RedBjarne, Game Director
“- meetings
- meetings
- more meetings
- presentation for possible partners
- project planning
- presentation for possible partners
- a bit of work on the assault team insignia
- a bit of work on the assault team progression
- interview
- thoughts on new build-deploy structure
- chatting with players in global chat regarding weaponmods :-)”

Reto.Fleck, Level Designer
“Been doing design and estimates for future feature packs. Besides that I’ve done a lot of bug fixing.”

Reto.Robotron3000, Community Manager & Game Designer
“Working on changelog improvements, Bug fixes in text in localizer, looking at weather settings random factors, and a tiny bit of bug fixes in the weaponmods.”


Reto.Hr.Wille, 3D Artist
“This week I have been working on HUD and in-game map Icons. Also started work on new images for the shop.“

Reto.Mato, Lead Character Artist
“I’m making Sandbags.”

Reto.Owleater, Character Designer
“It is time to help out at the environment front – so I have remade a fuel drum and making rumble and wire poles.”

Reto.Colding, Lead Animator
“This week I have worked on small tweaks here together with some trailer tweaks.. not exactly exiting but hey sometimes its just a job ;)”

Reto.Dave, Environment/Props/Concept Artist
Been working on the old destroyed bridge at the new crossing and tone. Out fishing now with Reto.Hr.Wille :)

Coders & QA

Reto.Goonstah, Programmer and Technical Lead
“- We got Bradley out!
- Made a workaround for the Disk Cleanup problem
- Planning the next release (named ‘Crace’)
- Made some changes/customizations to our internal bug-tracking tool “

Reto.Hal9k, Render Programmer
“Bradley build, loads of meetings.”

Reto.Ogssan, Gameplay Programmer
“* Skirmish mission:
- Pause timer when beginning to capture
- Hold time raised from 2 minutes to 3
* Bug fixes for the Bradley build
* Added ability to see latest kills when holding tab
* Fixed some internal tools”

Reto.Leto, Gameplay Programmer
“Lots of bugfixes and started working on destruction :)”

Reto.Injection, Senior Programmer
“Gersh gurndy morn-dee burn-dee, burn-dee, flip-flip-flip-flip-flip-flip-flip-flip-flip.”

Reto.Splixxen, Lead Tester
“Test new build
Test new build
Test new build
Red Bull
Test new build
Test new build
Make a blog
Test new build
Handle feedback
Test new build”

Reto.Indusninja, IT Architect
“- certain accesspoint template ids were fixed because they were longer than what the action game supports
- new pathfinder algorithm for the strategy game
- Strategy changes moved up to “Crace” build “

Reto.Vashu, Flash Programmer
“- Bug fixes for stabilization (Bradley)
- Fixed Paratrooper’s unlimited flight (Bradley)
- Added unequip for weapon mods (Bradley)
- Cleaned up login / logout (Bradley)
- Monitor resolution fix for lower resolutions (Bradley)
- Updated warbonds window (Bradley)
- Released Bradley build
- Preparation of Crace Build (Next build)”

Reto.masterdisaster17, Server Programmer
“Bug hunting, monitoring server logs, investigating shift in data storage provider.”


Reto.Draebesmoelf, Lead Sound Designer
“I have spent a few days writing down ideas, making audio plans for future builds and updating the audio design documents. Currently I am working on new capture sounds (yes, the existing ones are irritating and annoying!). :)”

Reto.Lord, Audio Programmer
- Reworked capture audio scheme (iteration 1)
- Added code support for animevents in weapon charge state
- Autogenerated missions not considered candidates for quick-launch (unless they are the only ones available)
- Mission Lobby

Management, IT & support

Reto.Topo, CEO

Reto.Hansg, IT Admin
“1. Install of new MRTG graphs.
2. Updating leaseweb servers
3. Install script ready for deploying new game servers.
4. New leaseweb server to test – setup and network test.
5. Backup of leaseweb servers. (ongoing)
6. Various IT-tasks.”

Reto.KenSolo, PR Manager
“Community: What is going to happen?
Reto.KenSolo: Something wonderful.
Community: I’m afraid.
Reto.KenSolo: Don’t be. We’ll be together.
Community: Where will we be?
Reto.KenSolo: Where I am now.”

Reto.Lusa, Project Coordinator
“Hooray for Bradley! Hooray for my talented colleagues! And now I begin to look at merchandice for Heroes & Generals … YIPPEE”

Reto.Bacon, Support Manager
“-Live Support
-Ticket Support
-Bacon Support

Support must work hard
To tend to our Heroes wounds
The war is waiting

-My first Heiku poem- “


The Intelligence Bulletin is designed primarily for the use of the members of the Heroes & Generals community. It is a vehicle for the dissemination to them of the latest information received from Reto-Moto Intelligence sources about the development of Heroes & Generals. Readers are invited to comment on the use that they are making of the Intelligence Bulletin and to forward suggestions for future issues.

Reto-Moto Intelligence Division,
Developer Department

Sign up for a Beta-key here!
(Original Heroes & Generals blog link)
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obi462 - - 21 comments

Epic! but just one question, who commands the army's like in the trailer who commands the tank battalion? just regular players like me or some guys from heroes & generals?

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WookieeDavidson - - 315 comments

You gain credits through each Battle you go through, you obtain a certain amount of credits and you can buy an Assault Squad which can consist of Infantry Battalions, Tank Battalions, Airborne Battalions... but of course each Battalion requires a different set of credits

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