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[MAP STARTS AT 2/4 OF THE STORY | PART ONE] You escaped, from a sewer tunnel into a new region of the castle. While you get your sanity back, you continue to keep going into the upper-middle parts of the castle. |Give feedback| I'm using my Youtube Channel for these Amnesia Custom Mods:. "CANT SHARE LINKS ON MODB" [NOTES] First Note: There is no continue option for this map. Because its not that long. Second Note: There is no fuel for the lantern. It is designed this way. [END OF NOTES] This is my first completed map out of many I hope. There are Easter Eggs on the map 4 of them. If you found an easter egg feel free to send a pic of it to my Twitter which is @petererik200101. [Gameplay tips] 1. use your matches even if you don't see any lightable entities. There are plenty of matches hid in the map. 2. The corners are much darker so it means that you will be more hidden. Full walkthrough of the map is on my Youtube channel: "CANT SHARE LINKS ON MODB"

Amnesia First Omission [FIXED] [PART ONE]
DarkyRadiostaus - - 19 comments

It's this custom story inspired to a sequel of Amnesia Rebirth? if yes that's crazy! :)

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