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What is everyone working on? #2 (Forums : Pimpage & Posing : What is everyone working on? #2) Post Reply
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Feb 24 2007 Anchor

You thought it would never happen but look folks it has !!

There's so much great work you guys here at Mod DB are creating that it is playing havoc with the HUGE predecessor to this thread

What is everyone working on?

Please continue your discussion here, and I hope this continued thread grows even bigger than the last one XD!

Edited by (in order): Stuffie, Stuffie, Stuffie, Stuffie, Stuffie

Feb 24 2007 Anchor

waaa thats ace! cool to start again too :) have fun everyone! oh and here is somethin im working on.. the front cover for that tank game im doin ;x

User Posted Image

Feb 24 2007 Anchor

some crappy weapons mod for fun for vanilla quake (screw new engines) as lowpoly modeling and portable development practice
User Posted Image

Edited by: leilei

Feb 24 2007 Anchor

Omigosh secksay! :O

Not Cheapy, I meant razorb's cover.

Edited by: Karuto

Feb 24 2007 Anchor

looks a bit pixelated :p

TKAzA Rightio then...
Feb 24 2007 Anchor

It feels new how odd.

Feb 24 2007 Anchor

also just earlier,
User Posted Image

Edited by: leilei

Feb 24 2007 Anchor

Yeahey! Go for it leilei!
Huge hands she got,
I hope she's not some robot!
I hope you'll listen what I've got,
It's so damn new and hot!

My song that you should obiviously listen!

I wish out school project was for some simpler engine like Quake... but it's not... it's for hl2... arrrrrrgh! WHY!?!??

ps.... I recommend listening the song in that link sometime later.. it may be poorly mastered/equalized... in every other way the song will remain as it is..????

Feb 24 2007 Anchor

erm... WTF?! A school project about HL2? How low can you get :rofl:

Me working on an animation... still trying to get my running straight but it's more tricky then I thought:

User Posted Image User Posted Image

Feb 24 2007 Anchor

Dragonlord wrote: erm... WTF?! A school project about HL2? How low can you get :rofl:

Bad luck :P But I will do my best in it. Luckily it will be really only about mapping(though no one denies it can't involve new textures, models, coding, sounds or music)...

If those pict

Edited by: TwinBeast

Feb 24 2007 Anchor

you have to click on them and left there is a button download
but a schoolproject with HL2? what school are you in?

and dragonlord, the animation looks god except the eyes one, its only vertical, you should add some horizontal movement
allso, is that ingame or rendered?

Feb 24 2007 Anchor

Dark_Raver9 wrote: and dragonlord, the animation looks god except the eyes one, its only vertical, you should add some horizontal movement
allso, is that ingame or rendered?

Ah yeah, I forgot that one :/ . That should not be that difficult to add. Those are Blender renders. It works ingame but I have no video capturing in the engine yet so I have to do it that way.

Feb 24 2007 Anchor

leilei wrote: also just earlier,
User Posted Image

What's it for? Same project?

Edited by: Chunky

Feb 24 2007 Anchor

Dragonlord wrote:

Dark_Raver9 wrote: and dragonlord, the animation looks god except the eyes one, its only vertical, you should add some horizontal movement
allso, is that ingame or rendered?

Ah yeah, I forgot that one :/ . That should not be that difficult to add. Those are Blender renders. It works ingame but I have no video capturing in the engine yet so I have to do it that way.

fraps doesent work?

Feb 24 2007 Anchor

Fraps never worked for me. It always did funny things with the colouration of everything :o

Feb 24 2007 Anchor

I'm working on a recording of "I am the Black Wizards" by Emperor. I'll like post an mp3 when its finished.

Feb 24 2007 Anchor
Feb 24 2007 Anchor

lol FPS Creator

I'm working on working on something. I'm tired of procrastinating, waiting around for a modeler. Time to join a team or start off small.

Edited by (in order): Chunky, Chunky, Chunky

Feb 24 2007 Anchor

Looking fantastic Carni, I'll have to give it a try sometime.

Feb 24 2007 Anchor

yeah carni looks great
is there allso a chance to get it in first person?

Feb 24 2007 Anchor

But then it'll be "crappy fps maker".

Feb 24 2007 Anchor

well it depends on the aiming system then
if its like in dino crisis/resident evil (probably saing dumb stuff here) then its good :)

Feb 24 2007 Anchor

Dark_Raver9 wrote:

Dragonlord wrote:
Dark_Raver9 wrote: and dragonlord, the animation looks god except the eyes one, its only vertical, you should add some horizontal movement
allso, is that ingame or rendered?

Ah yeah, I forgot that one :/ . That should not be that difficult to add. Those are Blender renders. It works ingame but I have no video capturing in the engine yet so I have to do it that way.

fraps doesent work?

I can't remember that this would run on linux, right?

Feb 24 2007 Anchor

guys im still here its just that schools been getting in the way of my other work... im still on the forums every day

Feb 25 2007 Anchor

Chunky wrote: lol FPS Creator

I'm working on working on something. I'm tired of procrastinating, waiting around for a modeler. Time to join a team or start off small.

This project has the most code in one area I've ever done. About 95% of the game code is from scratch so it loads all monsters, players, per map stuff, weapons, items out of external script files. Also this has been in development for some time now and has been used in RazorB's uni project and also a project called "The Bridge".

Its mainly a rapid prototyping tool for mod creators without a coder. For camera control it has liberal 3rd person camera (gta3 style), static camera (resident evil style), and first person. It has autoaim similar to resident evil's, hold down a button to raise weapon, and if a monster is in the vicinity the character targets it.

Texture Directory based material system for impacts and footsteps, cross player to ai item and weapon handling (aka, you can assign the pistol script to be put into a monster's hand, or have it as a pickupable item for player using same script).

A customizable inventory system, and per map script loading global attributes.

If you could leave your condescending unneeded comments at the door, it'd be great. thanks.

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