Wave Engine Project Generator allow us to generate the code for the different platforms supported by Wave Engine.
Some time ago, we saw how we could convert a Wave Project to a Windows Store app. In today’s post we will see how we can convert the same project to Android and iOS platforms.
To be able to open the .sln’s generated in the convert process we need to download and install Xamarin.
We are going to convert ParallaxCamera2D sample to Android and iOS solutions, so download the Sample Browser and get the code for the sample.
In Wave Engine installation folder, navigate to “Tools\ProjectGenerator” directory and run “ProjectGenerator.exe”:
Click on “Open…”, navigate to the folder the parallax camera sample it's placed, select the “ParallaxCamera2D.sln” file, mark “iOS(iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch)” and “Android” check boxes and click on “Convert”:
If we navigate to the project folder we will see two new .sln files and two directories:
- ParallaxCamera2DIOS.sln: the solution prepared to generate an iOS App.
- ParallaxCamera2DAndroid.sln: the solution prepared to generate an Android App
You can note that if you open both solutions and modify something in the sources of one solution, it will be automatic change it in the other.
And now you can deploy the game in your device:
If we want to change the profile of some resource of the application, we just have to click on the Resources.weproj file of the project. That will open the contents on the Wave Asset Exporter where you can adjust your preferences.
I'm getting a "Sequence contains no elements" when I try to convert a .sln file. Please help. Thanks in advance!
I am only able to get the samples to run on lollipop. It just shows the splash screen and then shuts down when I try on KitKat or Gingerbread. Am I setting something up wrong with Xamarin?
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