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Post tutorial RSS UDK ProcBuilding Basics

In this tutorial we look at the basics of a new feature in the UDK the ProcBuilding Tool.

Posted by on - Basic Mapping/Technical

In this tutorial I will talk about a new feature of the UDK call ProcBuilding. Current;y there is no open documentation on the ProcBuilding feature. However after experimenting I came up with what we will cover in the tutorial. I will upload a later tutorial once I have more figured out however I saw a bunch of people asking about this and decided to go on ahead and make the tutorial.





Special thanks to
rijndersnathan's for the logo

Torabi - - 376 comments

Thank you for these tutorials kind sir. I've been trying to get into the Unreal 3 engine for quite some time now. Bookmarked your youtube profile and everything. This is perfect!

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Highmist - - 473 comments

yea, these tutorials are great, and i would love to do some unreal stuff, but its mostly crap content provided from UDK. D: and im pretty much too lazy to attempt to learn a program, nor have the time. Lovely tutorials might i say again. looking forward to any more

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