Сommand: (Mandatory <>, Optional [], Or |, Inversion !, & And) tick - Turns the global tick on or off rain - Turns rain on or off in the current world time - <morning|day|evening|night>| <0|1|2|3> - Sets the specified time level - <0|1|2|3|4> - Moves the player to the specified world humidity - <0-10> - Changes the player's moisture level health - <0-10> - Changes the player's life level stamina - <0-10> - Changes the player's stamina level hunger - <0-10> - Changes the player's satiety level thirst - <0-10> - Changes the player's thirst level tp - <x y [level]> - Teleports the player give - <name [count]> - Gives the player the specified item set - <<t|e|f> name x y [data]> - Sets the tiles entity or furniture kill - <-[!]<all|entity|player|mob> [level]> - Kills entities and players clear - <in> - Cleans inventory sound - <name> - Play sound spawnpoint - [x & y] - Sets the spawn point] locate - <name> - Displays the coordinates of a structure you haven't been to music - <stop|play|pause> - Plays, stops, pauses the music in the game
Console Update
Console Commands. Added new commands and changed command syntax.
Posted by pamone on - Basic Other