Pre production comes to an end. Review of is yet to come and work done.
As we are now on the middle of the total production phase, every decision is now taken, and from now on, from the development to the art department, a lot of content will be coming out as we race to finish the project on time. Continuing with everything done so far we are on schedule.
Here is a sneak peak of more work that was done in the meanwhile:
The idea behind it is to transmit a sense of lightness that during play time movement speed changes
About the game design, last week article was about the level ingredients and script and this week is about player systems and how they tie together with it. And here is the core loop:
Simple, but we are confident that this will give a lot of fun moments during gameplay.
Instead of having a lot of text like the latter article this time a flowchart was made so it would be a lot easier to understand the player system:
So when depending of the player speed reload times, perception, hit boxes and player brightness vary. This will grant a dynamic interaction between players where they can be tactical about it.
However a lot of game tests are needed to have this system work precisely, so the team in this next phase will be looking for players to test it out.
Now, about the why "things" are built this way.
We use atomic parameters to understand what players will do and how the game will unfold upon the use of said parameter.
And as you can see player difficulty in the game passes through these.
- Input frequency, if the player is close enough he can shoot and kill in one hit, but if it far away, only two shots on target are required
- Target Size on Screen, the further away from each other the harder will be to aim, but if a player has more speed he will have a slightly bigger hitbox
- Target speed on Screen, the faster the target is, the harder it is to aim
It is the end of this article heavily focused on the player while a new phase of production starts.
So far it is all.
Hope to see you next time.
Zapowa Games Team!