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A rant about how tough marketing is, and some new screenshots of some in-development work.

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The other day I was crawling ModDB (IndieDB?) and I came across a quizzical mod. “A mod” can barely service to describe it accurately, perhaps if the standards for the term were set in 2003. Its screenshots look like a Quake mod, and in fact the title of the mod seems into indicate that it’s a Quake port of Left 4 Dead, with some other odds and ends thrown in. They claim they’re developing it for the PSP and their most recent post indicates that their team has broken up and they’re reorganizing with some slightly different and altogether over-optimistic goals. Okay that’s fair, I can’t say I was never involved in some unrealistic, overengineered project that was doomed to failure. I hope that when the project dies they find themselves on better ground and learn from their mistakes like I did.

What really irks me about this game is that they have over three hundred watchers on ModDB. Digitanks has been around as long as these people and it only has 79 watchers. How the hell did he get over 300 watchers for a game that looks like Quake with half of the game torn out? Is there some kind of marketing guru genius behind their operation? Do they have a djinni caged in some arcane container, imprisoned as he does the bidding of his watcher-hungering masters? Or does this speak to the kind of person who frequents ModDB, who prioritizes an unoriginal de-make over a good-looking authentic game? It all begs the question, “Why do I even bother?” I honestly can’t decide if it’s something that I’m doing wrong or if it’s just the forces of the world going against me. I’m trying really hard to get people interested in my game, because I think it’s a damn good game and I want to make a living making more of them, so I guess I have to figure out if I stand to learn something.

Anyway, there’s much to report on the development end of things. I’ve been hard at work doing a number of things, and I thought I would share some in-development screenshots with my crowd.

There’s a number of things going on in this screenshot. First and most obvious is that large blue box, which is a stand-in for the “CPU.” The CPU will be the command center for the player’s base, it allows him build more structures and support his units. It pumps out “data flow” into its environment, which can be seen by the light purple tendrils around it, which mind you are also stand-ins. This marks the player’s territory and is the mechanism for supporting units and buildings, anything inside that tendril area gets improved fighting characteristics. There’s also a smaller translucent blob near the center where the player is constructing his first building, a “buffer.” Buffers serve to help the player extend his base by increasing the data flow in that area.

You can also see some new units in action, namely the artillery in the very center of the shot. They’re aiming at the yellow team off in the distance, and they’re sure to rain down some hell fire in a moment. The advantage of the artillery is the ability to wear into your enemy at extreme range, at the cost of mobility. While the artillery is deployed it can’t move, it can only fire within a small cone, and turning is rather costly, so finding a good vantage point for attacking the enemy will be a must. In the future, there will also be a fog of war that the artillery won’t be able to see through, so they’ll require a spotter if they’re to fire effectively. Lastly, the artillery lacks any short-range weaponry, so they need good protection from the other Digitanks, or they can get ambushed rather easily.

Next we have our Mechanized Infantry. You may recognize their tank design from the failed designs of the main battle tank, I think they’re much more suited for this job. These are highly defensive units make the enemy think twice before attacking your base. In this screenshot, a couple turns after the previous, we can see that the enemy is closing into an attacking position on our base. However, our infantry has dug into their fortified position, so they have a significant defense and attack bonus. You can see that the smaller blue square (the buffer, remember?) has now been completed, and it’s supplying those infantry with additional attack and defensive support, making them ready to take all comers. However, the downside is that as long as they’re fortified they’ll be unable to move or rotate. To attack a well-fortified Mechanized Infantry unit, you’ll need a good supply line, a number of strong well-organized attackers, and a little bit of the element of surprise.

On the top right you’ll see a number of yellow lines coming back from the enemy units from the direction of their base. These lines are those unit’s support lines. As long as they remain intact, those units gain an advantage with bonuses to attack and defense, and additional health and shield regeneration. However, if I were to move one of my units into an interception with those support lines, the enemy units would lose that advantage … sounds like a good time to attack!

I hope this gives an insight into some of the neat things I’ve been doing. In the coming days I plan to make another post describing the process of how I decided on all of these mechanics, so stay tuned.

ben-yohanan - - 141 comments

That watcher thing is pretty crazy. Looks like you're doing good work. Don't get discouraged though, watcher attention on ModDB is hardly a barometer of quality or success.

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Elementalist - - 732 comments

There's a few obvious things there I guess you're missing? They're making what is basically a port of a very popular game to a handheld that's fairly popular (and doesn't get a ridiculous amount of attention on ModDB) for (as far as I know) free.

Right there generates a lot of interest. You, on the other hand, are making a game for the PC/computer/whatever, which is a platform with a LOT of competition, based off your own idea that has no previous audience platform, not to mention it's turn-based and not an FPS which is not as popular a genre.

I played your demo, it was fun, definitely, and you're doing good work, but you don't have the benefit of a popular and well known IP or developing for a platform that doesn't get much attention in the first place.

Don't lose heart though, and keep up the good work. As said above, watchers aren't everything.

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DuckSauce - - 969 comments

I agree with what's said here:
It's not so surprising, you do realize Left4Dead had a crazy amount of advertising, probably worth millions, so 300 watchers is actually fairly low, considering the popularity they could be riding off, but clearly don't seem to be so intensely, if they were, they'd have alot more watchers I'd think.

Look at Moddb.com, a "mod" which somehow beat the popular mod NeoTokyo in the race of Best Upcoming Mod of 2008.
Shearly by riding off the popularity of such a well known game.

And I may be stepping on toes again here, but hey, it's true, look at the rating, 5.2 out of 164 votes, clearly the majority that bothered to vote after it released thought it wasn't such a great mod after all. So I don't think I'm lying when I say it's popularity was merely riding off Left4Dead to make it to the "top".

Watchers aren't the best indicators of popularity, views and release ratings serve as a better indicator with watchers after that.

I'd say DigiTanks is still in too early a shoes to gain a lot of popularity, but keep working hard and show people what seperates your game from the rest and makes it worth giving it a try, I'm sure the audience will be growing over time.

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Daystranger - - 327 comments

Ooook... I think.

Its bad to whine about "baaaw mah gaem is upolupar".
But its terribly wrong to openly BASH another project just because YOU don't think its "up to your standarts".

I say you'll LOOSE some of your watches now if people here on MODDB are in their minds.

I'm pretty surprised to see this kind of thing here.

And by the way(Since you love to bash others), hows your game "original"?
Because its not textured and uses color filled models?
Now thats novelty!
Or maybe because its a strategic game about tanks? Woooaaaah!
I hardly can take it... Sounds like industry defining move!

Not wanted to write anything offensive here, but your ways of PR like bashing others in your favor just make you look pathetic.

You should be ashamed.

P.S. Reported this article.

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DuckSauce - - 969 comments

If you call that bashing, you haven't seen real bashing...
He's never said anything about it not being up to his standards that I saw, maybe I missed something, if not, stop putting words in other people's mouths.

Maybe DigiTanks isn't that original either, but coming up with something completely new experience is nigh immposible these days, with most of the major and sub-genre's already being thought out. It does have some elements making it stand out from other games similar to it and that's what's important.

DigiTanks at least doesn't take the approach of taking a succesfull recipe and just that over again. I'm not saying L4Q is, since I haven't been following it, but there's plenty of games that do that **** and DigiTanks isn't one of them.

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Silverfisk - - 1,080 comments

You should just not worry about what other developers are doing with their stuff and focus on your own instead.

It's looking good, I like the addition of structures and the support lines, will add some depth to the game.

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Ark11 - - 47 comments

Is this mod going to be free or are you going to be a greedy pig like the creator of Garry's Mod?

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DuckSauce - - 969 comments

It's not a mod...
And there are people that make a living off this stuff.
He's doing good work, thinking things through more than other developers, he's also doing this alone which is important to keep in mind as well.

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Vino Author
Vino - - 132 comments

Wow! I didn't realized I'd get such a strong showing. Let me try to address things...

First thanks for the people who offered support. I appreciate your words. I'll of course continue to work hard on promoting the game, I don't get discouraged so easily. Watchers are nice because it lets me communicate with my audience and it's a good sign that my audience is growing... but not everything :P

@Daystranger, sorry I wasn't trying to bash that other mod, I was really just making observations. Digitanks is a mash of some other pre-existing types of games, but at least it's not a blatant ripoff. And those color-filled models aren't finished yet :)

@Ark11, yes I plan to charge for it, if you want to play a game that I made for free then go play The Specialists. I have to make a living somehow! But there will be a free demo.

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Daystranger - - 327 comments

Thats fine as observations, but its looked like bashing to me.
Maybe I'm in a bad mood today.

Sorry then.

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ben-yohanan - - 141 comments

I've got lots of fond memories of TS. Great stuff!

Anyway, my mod has about 420 watchers last I checked, and I think it's mainly a result of consistently posting interesting new media, punctuated by news articles with dramatic screenshots and videos. We usually get big jumps in hits and watchers with each news post that way. I have no idea if 420 is a whole lot though, I don't spend much time looking around on here. Anyway, good luck!

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ratchet5 - - 60 comments

wow, nice work and concepts
are going to add some sort of upgrade system or abilities?

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Vino Author
Vino - - 132 comments

Yeah, a system of upgrading tank and structure abilities and statistics is definitely in the books. Maybe something like a research tree.

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KompressorIsCool - - 65 comments

The original L4D series has a huge fan base and had lots of marketing, so it gets a highly devoted fan-base (of whom have questionable tastes), who will probably love anything that has to do with it. That even means a god-awful port.

Liking the progress, interesting additions that aren't more tanks.

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Lacedaemonius - - 510 comments

I personally think that a big part of the lack of the popularity is that the market saturation of poorly developed games for casuals casts a negative light on what is obviously a very well designed indie game. It doesn't help either that this is on moddb of all places, the nexus of the most hardcore thing of all, dedicated modders and modplayers.

I was initially skeptical to the quality of this mod for the aforementioned reasons, but now anxiously await its full release.

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imagic2064 - - 16 comments

see fella?
this is what your effort cause, now you are featured in the spotlight, so stop losing time on thinking "why do i even bother?" and start thinkit "why im not bothering enought?" gotcha???
common, we all are waiting to see this master piece complete!!!

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